No One Knows This About Me

Sarah Walker
Writing in the Media
3 min readJan 29, 2018
Source: Huffington Post

But I have planned my wedding day.

Okay, so when I say no one I mean more a very, very limited number of people know this about me. It’s not exactly something you’d want to go shouting from the rooftops about when your current relationship status is single. It’s not that I’m in a hurry for marriage or anything like that, it’s just I just have an extremely precise idea of what I want. After all, who hasn’t dreamt of that ‘special day’.

I became infatuated with the idea of my wedding day when I was young. I was completely sold on the idea when I watched my family members and favourite Disney princesses get married. Each was so magical and beautiful, every detail perfect and of course, they lived ‘Happily Ever After’. I wanted to experience this one day, and so I began planning. I found myself spending time looking at wedding favours and table decorations, which might sound a little crazy I agree but I couldn’t stop. It was now a passion of mine that I loved planning for my wedding, going past regular girl talk and into a fun habit that I found myself wasting hours of the day doing.

The dress. Every girl has dreamed of their wedding dress or at least thought about it. When I first ever looked at wedding dresses I was overwhelmed with amount of styles there were. It’s what my idea of clothing heaven would be, the endless breath-taking gowns after the next of silk and lace. I spent hours scrolling through all the different styles and materials, just imagining my ideal dress. After, making a collage of all the things I wanted to include on mine. But basically, I now know exactly how I want my wedding dress to be to the very detail.

It may be interesting to know, or not, that six in ten single women have actually already planned their wedding. Thankfully, I’m not the only one. Although it may not be something to boast about it appears a common thing for women to do. Just like our addiction to watching TV shows. I’m sure we can all admit to getting a little crazy over the TV sometimes. I can honestly say I have binge-watched ‘four weddings’ and ‘say yes to the dress’ numerous time and have no shame. Being able to see such beautiful weddings and ideas for your own to think about.

Men must plan their wedding days too, maybe not as many as women, but I’m sure there are few men that have some idea of what they want. I mean it is a pretty big day after all, ‘till death do us part’ and all that. All your loved ones coming together to join you in celebration, weddings just radiate happiness and love. And who doesn’t want to plan for that? The enjoyment of finding the perfect venue with incredible views for photographs and activities.

I’ve always dreamed of my wedding day. Being the girly girl I am, it’s only natural for me to want to plan the one day its acceptable for me to be a princess of my own right and I’m going to take it. Us girls deserve to feel like princesses we are and find the person of our dreams to ride off into the sunset with.

