‘Of course social media is for Idiots!’

Bryan Brizzle Tichy
Writing in the Media
4 min readFeb 9, 2018
Image Credit: @chuttersnap

Let’s get married!

I sign up from this day forward, for better, for worse, to love and to cherish and till death do us part. Now wait, for all those that think social media will be like a happily ever after Disney marriage I’m sorry, but you’re in for a shock. Let me break it to you this way…it’s all an experiment and we are all taking the place of the poor animals as test subjects. Did you know that new medication is firstly used on test subjects? Well it is, and it can be cruel or even lead to death — so yes, we’re all going to die! Let me walk you through this social media experiment.


  1. Socialise with people from all around the world using the ‘Internet’
  2. Explore the different views and life in different parts of the world
  3. Engage in productive discussions
  4. Share your story


  1. View and comment on other people’s posts
  2. Search any subject of interest
  3. Browse through a time-lined news-feed
  4. Share pictures, videos or stories with friends or the public


1. The first aim and method are all about socialising with people whether it is through viewing their ‘posts’ or commenting on them. This is how the scientists and creators of social media expected people to use these features, but we all know that was a recipe for disaster. As the human race has come to realise, there are some among us who have a rather disturbing mind-set to say the least and are capable of doing or saying anything without any regard to what damage their actions will cause. Firstly, anyone can view and then comment on any public post — yes, ANYONE! That means all those people with their idiotic minds can also put their ‘constructive’ points across which mainly consist of ‘your mum is a b*tch’ or ‘f*ck this sh*t’ and other random abusive comments. I think we can safely say that aim number one was not achieved as it has become a playground for some of the most disgraceful people on earth.

2. Once again for the ‘normal’ people of this world, the feature and idea of exploring the world on a screen using social media is truly revolutionary. However as these results will keep highlighting, social media was created for the idiots! There are many aspects of life that have taken a long-time to change especially when it comes to people having real freedom to be whoever they want to be. People’s rights have changed drastically compared to just 10 years ago; racism is not tolerated and gay marriage has been legalised amongst many other things. Then came social media — a platform where everyone is hiding behind a screen. This literally screams, ‘long live homophobia’ or ‘bring back the racism’ and all the other forms of abuse that can come from exploring other cultures and different perspectives of life. I think we can safely say that we failed aim number two mainly because of the shameful people in our society.

3. The third aim of social media is for people to ‘engage in productive discussions’. There can only be one initial reaction to this aim which is ‘LMFAO’ (meaning — laughing my f**king ass off). The word ‘productive’ might as well not be part of the joke because it is a joke. What idiot is going to be saying anything remotely productive on social media? I’m not sure the creators of social media have seen the videos of some guy named ‘Beetlejuice’ who the world of idiots finds hilarious when, as a matter of fact, he is getting abused because of his disability and schizophrenic reactions. The discussions that comes underneath these videos are NOT productive as most contributors are only idiots agreeing or laughing with comments like, ‘hahaha he is so retarded!’ I think we can also safely say that aim number three went miserably wrong.

4. The final aim encourages people using social media to share ‘their story’. Surely nothing could possibly go wrong, right? Well, for as long as the idiots that social media was created for exist, anything can go wrong. I wish I could send a screenshot to the creators of social media platforms with of all the fake and well, stupid things that people share. There are a lot of people that call themselves models in modern society which is fair enough if you have a many followers and fancy yourself as an example of a model human being. However, this is only encouraging some the idiots to start comparing themselves to these ‘models’ or ‘role-models’ causing great depression to some when they realise how impossible it is to ‘look’ like these role-models. Sharing YOUR story should be the aim but now there are phrases like, ‘I like it, but how do I look in the eyes of the world’. It is confusing enough that someone likes something but won’t share it until someone has approved it to get or guarantees approval from others.


Social media is an experiment that has not even been around for ten years, at least not in the manner it is now. It is highly addictive, pressuring and requires a lot of will-power to resist the urge to browse, share or comment. However, it will take a long time for people to see the full effect of being constantly on some sort of screen which reflects all different colours for more hours than people get to sleep in a year. In fifty years time, a lot of people may become seriously disabled, damaged mentally, completely blind or even die from unknown causes. We are all innocent test subjects, and the more we use social media and social media devices the faster we are going to arrive at the ultimate results and effects which I do not see being positive.

With thanks to Tracy Enright

