Please can I hear the people sing?

If only I could for the first time.

Isabella Bonnett
Writing in the Media
4 min readMar 5, 2022


Auditorium filled with the audience
Photo by Tao Qi on Unsplash

I have been to quite a few musicals in my life; last year I went to four, and this year I’ve already been to two: Cinderella and &Juliet. And let me tell you, they were all amazing. I’ve even been lucky enough to see the original cast for those two most recent shows. If I had all the money — and time — in the world, I would see them every day. Unfortunately, that isn’t something that is possible, which is very sad. But everyone can dream?

The place, or places, I would love to go that just isn’t possible would be to the opening night of every single musical. The closest I’ve got to that is the original cast, but even then, it’s been about a year or more since they performed for the first time. Though that’s not to say that I wasn’t as happy as I would’ve been if I did see opening night… those musicals were so amazing, and I even saw my favourite musical actress, Carrie Hope Fletcher, this year, originating the role of Cinderella in the new version — just out on the West End. It was so surreal, and I wish I could have that feeling again and again and again. This is why I love musicals so much. The escapism I can achieve while in a darkened theatre for three hours is like no other.

The list of musicals I would still like to see but can’t grows ever longer — there’s a lack of time or funds, the show isn’t in the UK, or it isn’t running anymore. Seeing live recordings, either professional or amateur, has to do for now, but nothing can beat the feeling of being in a theatre and hearing the music up close. Best feeling in the world. Don’t get me wrong, I have loads of bootleg recordings saved on YouTube that I watch on the regular, but it’s just not the same.

I could sit here and list off lots of musicals that I would love to have seen, but honestly, no one has enough time to read that enormous list, and I am sure I would keep on thinking of more long after this article has been published.

I’ll try to give you my top three, with the following parameters: it can’t be running anywhere at the moment, and I can’t have seen the film version, nor a bootleg. I say this because otherwise, my answer will keep on changing!

  • Number 1. In the Heights. I love Hamilton, and Lin-Manual Miranda has written some excellent music. It’s about a Latino community finding their way in America. I’ve listened to the soundtrack, and I’m slowly learning the words to some songs: my favourite being ‘Blackout’, which has lots of different people singing different lines until it comes together into a wonderful harmonious sound.
  • Number 2. Natasha, Pierre, and the Great Comet of 1812. The music is amazing, and I would really really love to see it. It’s an adaption of a little bit of War and Peace (of course not all of it, that would make the musical probably days long!). My favourite song is actually the Prologue, it’s very long and very chaotic but still manages to be extremely catchy and fun.
  • Number 3. Finding Neverland. There’s a film version starring Johnny Depp, but I’ve never seen it. I didn’t know it existed until I came across one of the songs during a YouTube wormhole one night. It tells the story of J.M. Barrie and his creation of Peter Pan, which is one of my favourite Disney films! My favourite song from it is ‘Play’, I love ensemble songs and it’s a really fun one.

Of course, this list is inexhaustive, as there will always be musicals that I will forget about. I would love to see all the musicals I’ve already seen again, but there are others on my list which I would like to see first. However, the only way I could see them was if I gained time travel powers and could go back to when each musical came out. That is the dream. A very impossible dream, but a dream, nonetheless.

It would have to be opening night, front row seats in the gallery, right in the middle. Best seats in the house. I’ve sat in lots of places in various theatres, but the gallery is the best place. You can see perfectly.

I have sat in the front row of the stalls before but being right next to the speakers and the constant craning of my neck to see the actors. It is surreal though, being that close to the actors… Though I still think mid-way along the front row in the gallery are the best seats — they’re usually the most expensive too! But it is worth it; what are student loans for, eh?

So, if anyone can figure out how to time travel, please let me know!

