Meet My Family: Lockdown Edition

Rachel Etherington
Writing in the Media
2 min readFeb 9, 2021

March 2020: Corona had well and truly burst my Year Abroad bubble and I was forced to fly home from Germany. Like many poor saps, the outbreak of the pandemic meant being thrown right back into my family home. After 8 months of complete independence, I was right back where I started: stuck staring out at the beautiful sunny countryside of England. Ugh.

© Rachel Etherington 2020

Whilst not being allowed out the house, I made the most of not being abroad. But I did what many other people wouldn’t dare to do. I took the brave decision to spend time with my family. Here’s my review:

Mum: 9/10

One of my best friends. Great listener and advice giver; helped me out of many little dark holes. Tea making abilities pretty good; brewed to perfection and never forgets to put sugar in. Needs occasional assistance as is too small to reach the top shelf of cupboards.

Dad: 7/10

Good at fixing my car when I accidentally put diesel in it (don’t ask). Tea making abilities sub-par: leaves Teabag to brew for approximately 10 seconds and often forgets to put sugar in. Locked me out a few times whilst I went for walks.

Brother: 5/10

Reliable tea maker. Kinda funny. Too trusting: asked me to bleach his hair, which then went ginger, then asked me to shave his head. Pretty good at cooking but always leaves the kitchen an absolute bombsite. Always watching cricket on the TV. Doesn’t always laugh at my jokes. Tried to make me “exercise”. And, despite being 20 years of age, still farts on me.

Nan: 6/10

Great tea making abilities, excellent biscuit selection at all times. Not very mobile so can’t run away from my jokes. Always takes my side against aforementioned brother. But did vote Brexit.

Cat: 2/10

Just sleeps all day. Deaf, so screams the house down when hungry. Tail: not waggy. Has taken to weeing inside the house when he can’t be bothered to go outside.

Dog: 10/10

Always excited to see me. Fluffy. Never disagrees with me. Great walk partner. Tail: waggy. All round good boi.

Best Lockdown partner! © Rachel Etherington 2020

Despite their flaws, I know I’m lucky to have such a great support system. All in all, my family weren’t bad company at all. 9/10. Needs more dogs.

