REVEALED: OJ’s Secret Confessions

Rebecca Ashley
Writing in the Media
6 min readMar 5, 2018

From secret admissions to love child revelations…

Picture of OJ Simpson. Photograph © LifeDaily

Orenthal James Simpson- better known as OJ Simpson the former American Football icon, has admitted to an inmate that he did kill Nicole Brown Simpson. This new information has become a topic of interest to the Supreme Court and could resultantly re-open the double murder trial of Ron Goldman and Nicole.

Picture of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman. Photograph © Oxygen Media

The information came to us from an inside source last night. They have chosen to stay anonymous for the sake of their safety and protection. According to the source, their friendship with Simpson grew over their time in Nevada prison whilst Simpson served out his 9 year sentence for armed robbery.

The source claimed that since Simpson confessed to them, a month before Simpson’s release, they had been emotionally and mentally struggling as to whether they should tell someone about the confession. Nevertheless, the source said they finally decided to speak out about it because they felt it was unfair that Simpson was a free, guilty man and that they were an imprisoned, innocent being. However, the source does not want us to further discuss matters relating to their conviction.

We have since requested for an interview with Simpson, although he refused to partake. We expect that the only time we will hear from Simpson himself will be from media coverage in court if the trial re-opens.

Picture of OJ Simpson. Photograph © Oudtshoorn Courant

However, for the first time ever we are able to bring to you an interview with the source themselves and ask them about what was discussed that night.

(Interview started at 17:50pm, on the 02/03/2018)

Interviewer- Did you know who OJ Simpson was before he came to prison?

Anonymous source- Yeah

Interviewer- Did you have any existing opinions as to whether he was guilty or not?

Anonymous source- What for the robbery or the, you know *pause* err the murders?

Interviewer- The murders of Ron Goldman and Nicole Brown Simpson, Sir

Anonymous source- Oh ok, well no I didn’t think he was guilty, I was serving the first year of my sentence when his trial was live on the news. In my opinion, people just wanted to see him fall.

Interviewer- How close were you and Mr. Simpson?

Anonymous source- We’d known each other for 9 years, you know, when he came to serve time. But then about 8 years ago we got real close because umm *chokes* my wife died and O was there for me. I felt like he felt my pain. We constantly had deep talks and discussed personal memories from our childhoods and with our families. But then at the end of August last year, O started bugging and acting different.

Interviewer- In what ways was he acting different?

Anonymous source- Well you see, O’s lawyer told him some news- that Kris [Jenner], you know Bob’s [Robert Kardashians] ex-wife, was going to reveal that Khloe [Kardashian] was O’s daughter.

Interviewer- So Kris and Mr. Simpson had an affair?

Anonymous source- Yeah

Picture of Kris Jenner, OJ Simpson and Khloe Kardashian. Photograph ©

Interviewer- Why did Mr. Simpson start acting ‘different’ when this came to his attention?

Anonymous source- Well because, this wasn’t the first time Kris mentioned it, O told me that he knew when Khloe was born that she was potentially his, but him and Kris made a deal to never speak of it, cus it could affect both their marriages. So then, a the day after O found out about all the sh*t going on with Kris, him and I were speaking and he told me that the second time Kris had threatened to reveal the secret, it was the day before Nicole was found dead. It was then that O admitted to me that he killed Nicole the following night. He said he did it because he thought if Nicole found out, she wouldn’t let him see the kids. So obviously when O’s lawyer told him in August that Kris, for a third time, was going to reveal it it triggered some type of feeling inside him- you know, guilt

Picture of OJ Simpson and Kris Jenner. Photograph © The Sun

Interviewer- So are you saying Mr.Simpson admitted to killing Nicole because he didn’t want her to find out about the affair?

Anonymous source- Yeah, he was adamant that Nicole would want a DNA test done and if it came back positive that Khloe was his, she would take the kids away. He was also scared about Bob finding out and what consequences that would have on their friendship. I had sympathy for him when he first told me, but to be honest after a while I starting feeling sick at the thought of him killing innocent people because of his own speculation, and then getting away with it!

Picture of Nicole Brown Simpson, OJ Simpson, Kris Jenner and Robert Kardashian. Photograph © HuffPost

Interviewer- So he admitted to killing Nicole, what about Ron?

Anonymous source- Yeah O said he had always been a jealous guy and when he saw Ron, he didn’t know and didn’t care who he was or what he was doing there, he just wanted him out the way.

Interviewer- Sir, why didn’t you feel like you could say anything to a higher authority about Mr.Simpson’s confessions before he was released on the 1st of October of last year?

Anonymous source- Because I was scared of losing a friend. I was like him, kept myself to myself and chose my friends wisely, so I didn’t have many. I didn’t want to risk losing someone who helped me through the toughest time in my life. We’d always spoken about setting up a business and being partners when we got out, live on the same street and go on family holidays with our kids. Yeah I was scared of losing that. So when he told me about the three murders I initially didn’t want to let him down, but then it struck me that…

Interviewer-…wait sorry to interrupt Sir, but are you saying there was a third murder?

Anonymous source- Wait, huh? What did I say? *pause* No, I want to end the interview here I’ve said too much.

(Interview ended at 18.17pm on the 02/03/2018)

Mr. OJ Simpson has confessed that he did indeed murder Nicole Brown and Ron Goldman, with a motive- he didn’t want his ex-wife or best friend to find out that Khloe Kardashian could be his love child with Kris Jenner. However, we have also discovered another potential confession from Mr.Simpson about a third murder. We are awaiting confirmation about the re-opening of the double homicide trial, and whether the confession of a third homocide leads detectives to conduct a new investigation and trial Simpson once again. Mr.Simpsons lawyer has since denied any allegations and claims the source to be unreliable.

Photograph © Wired

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(*All contents of this article are satirical*)

