Sales of Poison Apples Go Up in the Black Market

Antonia Kasoulidou
Writing in the Media
2 min readMar 17, 2017

Since the incident of this passing week with our beloved Princess Snow White being awoken by true love’s kiss, sales and Google Searches for poison apples have been going up.

Princess Snow White, the most fairest maiden in our land was poisoned by the Evil Queen and trapped in a state of peaceful sleep last Thursday. She was found early that next Friday morning by our savior, His Highness the Prince III, where he was tipped off how to break this curse by one of the Evil Queen’s minions. With one beautiful kiss, Princess Snow White woke up gaining both the crown as well as her true love.

The Evil Queen has since been on the run with the Seven Dwarves Police Station putting her at the top of the list as high priority. She was last seen at a 7/11 store on Dreary Lane in a black robe, buying a bag of red Granny Smith apples. If anyone comes into contact with this woman or catches a sighting of her they are advised to stay as far away from her as possible and dial: 888 777 645 immediately.

The percentage of search results and enquiries regarding the purchasing of these ‘poison’ apples have gone up a staggering 45%. This has also given people the chance to sell fake poison apples as well, claiming that they are real, to gain a profit from villains-in-the-making. A man under the name of Rumpelstiltskin has been taken into custody after standing on the side of Black Cauldron Road, selling green-painted apples to unsuspecting customers. He is now currently under investigation with his accomplice Tinker Bell, still on the loose.

The Seven Dwarves Police Station are telling civilians they are doing all they can to protect the city. They claim that in a matter of 24 days this will all be under control. Until then, any information regarding this current case should be immediately passed on to them.

With thanks to Eloise Douglass

