Sex Sells: Well I’m not sold on it!

Writing in the Media
4 min readFeb 13, 2017

Photo credit: Christopher Campbell

Sex is everywhere, well not literally otherwise that would be one funny world. The subject dominates all nowadays from advertising, the crux of the latest celebrity gossip, everyday conversations and to even the clothing we we choose to wear. It impacts the lives of men and women by influencing the way we are attracted to one another, our reputation, what is fashionable in society as well as drawing attention to ourselves. Magazines are brimming with “sexy” models or celebrities working the front covers of their magazines in order to ensure high sales. It is no wonder that most girls and boys, young and old, believe that being sexy is a vital part of life and the media does not help by hounding us with it.

We have all heard the latest baby news: Beyonce Knowles is going to have twins. It’s wonderful news, I won’t deny that but the fact that her announcement photo has just become the most-liked photo on Instagram has made me question a few things- why? Let’s face it, she is human, just like the rest of us, so why should her baby news be breaking news? It’s simple- she has barely any clothes. In this way, it is a means of attracting attention and a vast amount of speculation from the public. This may be a cunning way of increasing publicity and accumulating more fans but this just sends the wrong message to women and youngsters worldwide. Kids- sex does not sell. If we and our younger generation believe that sex and flaunting yourself that way is the way to stand out, then we seriously need to rethink.

Growing up, I attended an all-girls grammar school. Gosh, were the girls stunning and the pressure was on for me to look at least half decent everyday. Like many girls schools, the pretty, “sexy” girls were the popular ones and even attempting to be like them was almost impossible and definitely a waste of time. All this did was effect my confidence and the way I viewed myself. Seven years was along time to be thinking that I didn’t look right and of course, it made a difference to my life as an adult too. The truth is that if the media advocated healthy models as beautiful and sexy (which they are), then this would help save millions of girls and boys from the agony of feeling isolated.

In 2015, 725, 000 people in the UK were affected by an eating disorder. This major issue is often overlooked by the media and the numbers unfortunately are not improving. One of the root causes of eating disorders is our self- perception and if we have it instilled in our minds, that skinny is sexy, it will just lead to illnesses like this. In the worst case scenario, it can be life- threatening. To be honest, I think the media is incredibly unaware of the way their “sexy” models are making people doubt themselves-intentionally or not. Its damaging and we should just help society to feel confident and healthy. It’s not going to work if we are just made to believe that starving ourselves is the way forward. We are beautiful and “sexy” the way we are and the press and magazine companies should always have that in mind and aim to promote this way of thinking.

Well if you really want sex to sell then let’s really talk about what’s sexy? Personality. I would be lying to you if I said that looks weren’t a factor but are looks really the be-all and end-all? For me sexy means a lot of things- and not only the usual Abercrombie model gracing the side of a shopping bag. Sexy is being made breakfast in bed, intelligence, talent, a sense of humour ( I do love a good laugh) , Nutella on toast, loyalty, someone who actually cares and effort. Effort. It just means so much and is unquestionably very attractive. So if you want to fall for someone sexy, then I recommend falling for the attributes in the list above. Trust me, a sexy face, doesn’t guarantee happiness. Whether it’s related to a friendship, an outfit, a relationship- it’s all down to the way you feel. If someone or something makes you happy and confident in yourself, and makes you a better version of yourself- then that’s a winner!

The fundamental part of it all, is the way you make yourself feel sexy and in turn it will make you confident. Confidence sure does sell after all. So treat yourself (I’m still getting the hang of it) and don’t be so hard on yourself. If you feel sexy on the inside then it will reflect on the outside. So be the wonderful you that you are and you won’t lose.

With thanks to Rebecca Bloomfield.



Writing in the Media

UKC Women's First Team Cricket Captain 2014-15// Cricketer at heart // speaks 4 languages // Happy Times