Social Media is for Idiots

Frances Mackenzie
Writing in the Media
4 min readFeb 19, 2018
Photo by Tin-Tuc

Social media is the phenomenon that took the world by storm. Dating back as early as 1997, when the first social networking site ‘Six Degrees’ was created, there are now thought to be over one hundred social media sites, with Facebook being the most popular having over 2 billion monthly active users worldwide. Social media is utterly ADDICTIVE, and if you’re anything like me and have attempted (and failed miserably) to delete various accounts in attempt to break free from the social media spell, then you’ll realise just how addictive it can be. I try to keep my social media accounts to a minimum; nonetheless, this doesn’t stop me religiously checking my phone every few minutes and I hate myself for it. Social media is for idiots… and here’s why.

You’re probably already familiar with the idea that social media accounts are “not a reflection of real life”. Many people use social media to post images, videos and statuses that give the impression that they own this ‘perfect’ stress-free life. Social media ‘influencers’ have even been known to admit that their Instagram posts are not realistic depictions of their lives, using good lighting, filters, Photoshop and other editing techniques to ensure that their images portray them in the best possible light. It’s not too much of an issue in my eyes as I am old enough and wise enough to know that this occurs across all social media platforms. However it can negatively affect individuals who are not aware that many images online are heavily edited, which leads me to my next point…

Younger social media users are often at risk of developing mental health body image problems, as they are often more naive and impressionable when it comes to the issue of photo editing on the internet. Whilst celebrities have the time to spend two hours in the gym every day, pay for breast enhancements, bum implants, nose jobs, lip fillers, Botox and so on, most young people do not have this kind of luxury. The fact that celebrities also often lie about having surgical procedures (classic example- Kylie Jenner on lip fillers) again, is damaging to young people’s self-esteem. This image of the ‘perfect’ body and face has been conjured-up through social media and heavily influenced by the looks of the ‘Kartrashians’, which as a result has lead many young women to feel it is desirable and acceptable to pay thousands for surgical enhancements to replicate this so-called ideal body type.

Social media is also problematic in allowing us to be so unsociable for so much of the time. Even when I am around my friends, we spend a lot of the time on our phones scrolling through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, often disregarding anything that is going on outside of our phones. We so easily miss things that are happening around us, just to stare onto a screen to watch things that are happening around other people. People’s lives always seem so interesting online, we are able to watch videos posted from people living in Australia, Dubai, America, China, wherever in the world, just at the click of a button. It’s great for the fact that it allows us to have an insight into other cultures, countries and beliefs, however we are also at risk of sometimes getting too caught up in other people’s lives that we forget to take as much notice of our own.

Okay I’ve just highlighted a few of the issues with social media and the problems that occur as a result. Social media may be negative for the physical effects on your body; sleep deprivation, addiction, a false-sense of connection, a platform for cyber-bullying, and a leading cause of mental health among young people. However, it’s not all doom and gloom and it would be unfair to not mention the advantages of social media, as like anything, it is great if used in moderation. It’s a fantastic way to meet new people and stay in touch. Distance is no longer an issue; add people on Facebook that you’ve met on holiday, at the pub, travelling, on the bus, whatever, and ta-da you can stay in touch forever! Moreover, many relationships are formed through social media. “How did you guys meet?” It all started when I posted a selfie and he slid into my DMs with “hey babe you alright x”. Social media is also handy tool for networking, self-promotion and business promotion, which is why there are so many companies now desperate for youngsters to provide their social media knowledge and abilities. It is 2018 after all and social media is all the rage!

