Social Media is for Idiots.

Laura Don_
Writing in the Media
3 min readFeb 3, 2017

In the last 5 years, the world has shuttled into this world where there is no secrecy, no privacy and suddenly everyone’s a critic. Social media is a fantastic tool, it can allow you to update yourself on current events, Hollywood gossip but the most amazing thing is how it can create a virtual line of intimate communication between people that may be 100 miles or more away from you. Facebook, Skype, Snapchat and Linkedin these were all designed to create a platform of communication for anyone to use at their disposal. Twitter and Instagram developed under the pretense that it allowed us regular humans to follow and gain insight into the world of fame, fortune and all around stupidity. What I’d like to know is when did these platforms of communication become our lives? When did likes and re tweets become a method of quantifying one’s legitimacy and worth in the world ? When did face-to-face communication become so difficult? When did hateful comments and keyboard warriors decide what makes you the person you see yourself as? It angers me beyond any level of frustration that people have become consumed by these platforms? I spend my days, on and off of planes, on and off of trains, in and out of lectures, living my ordinary life and it is equally incredible as it is upsetting to see that people are losing the will to communicate beyond the screen. Incapable of carrying the basic social courtesy and skills to insinuate conversations and build relationships with strangers without clicking friend request. But the one thing that really just gets me about social media is the people who don’t know when to mind their damn business and just keep their mouths and opinions SHUT.

Dear Idiots of the World of Social Media,

Idiots, derive from idiots and inevitably breed new idiots, it’s nature’s way of testing our capacity for self control and practice our own restraint to not lose our cool. Fat, ugly, useless, worthless, fake, materialistic, plastic. Once upon a time, those kind of words would have bothered me, then I realized that these people have no friends, no ambitions and have no real academic opinions that they can voice on these platforms. Generally if you look for it, social media has a hash-tag for everything, you can broaden your social views and standards and appreciate the life you have and learn how to better it. Social media has the ability to do all those things. I could never strike down social media, I live away from home, so it allows me to engage with my friends, family and broaden my social network that is filled with incredible individuals from every corner of the planet. So no, I can’t say social media is the ‘devil’ and ‘I hate it’ because that is not true. However, for the idiots (i.e. you) it is a personal playground to run around and abuse your platform by trolling the ends of the Internet to provide nothing but proof of who you really are, keyboard idiots who think that because you are anonymous you can type, comment and tweet however way you like without a slight consideration for the person you are hurting. Idiots, wherever you are, leave people alone, you do not know what is happening on the other end of that screen. The girl you called fat, she hasn't eaten since Tuesday. They guy you called weak, he just buried his mom. That woman that you called fake, she works two jobs to put her kids through school. That man you call stupid, he has a brain tumor. YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT PEOPLE ARE GOING THROUGH. Social media is for human bonding and building connections, motivating others, spreading wisdom and even fulfilling guilty pleasures like Hollywood gossip, it is Not your personal punch bag. So Idiots, next time you want to throw abuse in a person’s comment box, do everyone else a favor and go stand in a mirror and see that you are a person, not a user name, not an email address, but a living breathing, emotional driven human being, and ask yourself, how would you feel?

Sincerely, everybody else.

