Social Media Is Indeed For Idiots

Writing in the Media
2 min readFeb 6, 2018

Why is it that social media is called social media? When in reality it makes us all antisocial?

Source- Encrypted

Social media has now gone too far. Many aspects of a person’s day to day life are now being published online. This can cause catastrophic repercussions such as:

1. Stalking

2. Bullying

3. A false sense of connection

4. Destroy reputations

5. Expose children to online predators

6. Addiction

These are just some of the implications of social media.

Applications such as Snapchat and Periscope (which is not as common as snapchat) have been used by gang members in the past to target individuals. People have met up and fought because of issues that may have occurred prior. Another big problem with social media is the fact that people only post happy moments. What about all times you’ve been unhappy why is that this is not posted?

A flashy lifestyle can be portrayed through social media. We all aspire to have luxury items in life but what about those who simply cannot afford it? Children are always a talking point when it comes to social media. The dangers that a child could potentially face; or that child may be easily influenced by what they see. It’s essential that there is some form of policing that starts within the home to combat cyber bullying. Even if this means that the child is not allowed a mobile phone and the only access they have to a mobile phone is the parent’s one. Special measures should also be implemented blocking access to all social media applications. The issue of technical obsolesce is becoming increasingly worrying all these new phones that are being created gearing towards social media. Why not just resort back to a simple Nokia 3310.

According to (The Guardian 2012) Social media-related crime reports are up 780% in four years. This is astonishing and shows that social media is indeed at the heart of crime rate. This new phenomenon of cyber crime would not exist if people were not so fixated on social media. How is social media even social when your parents may prepare a lovely Sunday dinner but instead of you all talking and discussing your week everyone is on their mobile phones and tablets. Social media can also leave a digital foot print. There have been recent news articles in the press where the manager for England’s Women’s football club Phil Neville, made sexiest remarks towards women. This is totally unacceptable and this caused a lot of media frenzy. Phil Neville’s remarks were discovered while the 100 years of suffragette occurred which made this even more despicable.

So is social media for Idiots? That’s for you to decide.

With thanks to @tracy En

