Spilling the Beans: Don’t touch the Tofu!

Holly Miles
Writing in the Media
3 min readJan 29, 2020

My top 5 tips for a successful plant-based diet.

By Holly Miles

Tofu in a white bowl
Photo Credit: @catscoming on Instagram

With climate activists such as Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion bringing the ecological crisis of our planet to our attention, there has never been a better time to consider starting a plant-based diet. Challenges such as the now popular Veganuary, have made vegan options more available and appealing than ever before. I myself, having been vegetarian for just over 2 years now have learnt many things since beginning my journey to planetary and personal wellness. I hope to share some of my insider tips and tricks about how to make plant food: easy, accessible and above all else delicious.

1. The trouble with tofu-

Tofu, tempeh and seitan are some of the most widely suggested meat substitutes when you talk about the veggie diet. However, what a lot of people don’t know is that these ingredients especially require a lot of forethought in their preparation. The spongey texture of unprepared, unseasoned tofu might just forever haunt my dreams. But fear not with a little of the right preparation you’ll be well on your way to a dish you will en-soy!

2. Fresh cooked is often best- Another fan favourite suggestion for a meat substitute that a lot of people seem to recommend is the chickpea based middle eastern treat of falafel. But don’t be fooled, you will never have as good a falafel as when it is fresh off the griddle, sauced, seasoned and gently caressed by a wrap. So, ditch the store-bought falafel and try making your own. It’s simple, cheap and you might just be surprised by the upgrade this makes to your meals. Handy tip: if you make them up in advance you can store the pre-cooked falafel balls for up to 3 months in the freezer for a great snack or addition to a meal anytime.

3. Don’t rely too heavily on one brand-

If you don’t have the time available to make your food or drink from scratch, there are a lot of dining and supermarket options out there in recent years. Don’t be afraid to shop around for the best deals and try out different options and alternatives. Brand loyalty is less important where plant- based options are concerned. Whilst one brand’s fake duck might have you going quackers, their sausages might be the wurst.

4. Preparation is key —

The key to success with most food in general but especially with plant-based alternatives is preparation. It helps to prepare a lot of food and drink ahead of time. However, another crucial element is to keep an eye on seasoning and condiments, as bringing in these flavours can be especially important. As well as this, you should trial cooking methods and times. Unlike conventional meat preparation, a lot of substitutes don’t produce much fat or oil to keep the product moist so you may have to do this artificially and alter cooking times if you don’t want your food to “burn, baby, burn”.

5. Have fun with it-

My final tip, and possibly the most important of all to sustaining a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, is to enjoy yourself. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be perfect. Despite the judgy vegan stereotypes, most of us are happy that you are trying to reduce your meat and/or dairy consumption and would be delighted to share our advice. Remember, this isn’t a rabbit salad, food restricting, weight loss programme, but more of an attitude shift. Find your motivation, whether it be moral, ethical or environmental and focus all your efforts on following those goals.



Holly Miles
Writing in the Media

Poet, author, journalist and translator. Looking for any and all writing opportunities.