The Forest Fairies spilled blood over The Blean Woods in Kent

Joyce Leung
Writing in the Media
3 min readMar 14, 2017

On 10th March, the abiding rumour about the malicious Forest Fairies in the Blean Woods might have come true. 4 teenagers from the King’s College ventured in the the Woods at 10:00 p.m yesterday, but the rescue team only found one survivor, Dave, who was covered in blood; shimmering, glittering blood.

“I…I…I don’t know what they are…” Dave stammered.

Dave, 16, went into the Blean Woods with his friends, Ron, Jason and Rudy at night. They were hoping to return home from the woods solely using Google map. Dave claimed to have witnessed the “forest fairies” and heard whisperings.

“There were…these floating lights…they whispered to us…” Dave said.

It is said that there were “floating lights” while they were in the woods, which, were widely assumed to be forest fairies and were believed to be encountered by residents living nearby.

“I’ve seen them, 5 years ago. They were like blue floating lights, like fireflies, I reckon.” Lucy, she has been living near Blean Woods for 20 years and recalled the whispering of the forest fairies.

“It was quite a daunting experience. I was walking my dog in the woods on a Saturday evening. Just when the sun was setting, I heard whispers all around and my dog started barking at the floating lights.”

“‘Go back.’ That was all they whispered,” she said.

Forest Fairies was believed to be harmless, there were no precedent cases of them hurting people. Nevertheless, Dave remembered how they were lured into a quicksand by the forest fairies and how his friends were engulfed.

According to Dave, the forest fairies whispered “Come here.” . He said he felt some kind of power pulling him. Although he tried to resist, he failed to fight against the fairies. They followed the whispers deep into the woods, and saw small glowing fires floating in the air. As they walk towards it, they fell into the quicksand.*&imgrc=wBu9NGCYpMi4fM:

“I woke up once I fell in it, but my friends didn’t realise they were in it and were still reaching for the fairy.” He said.

Dave relaxed his body to make himself afloat and crawled out of quicksand. Then he made an intrepid move.

“Once I got out I tried to catch the forest fairy. Then I forgot what happened afterwards, I only remember feeling something was slicing me and…pain.” He recalled.

The rescue team found 3 bodies floating on the quicksand and Dave on the side. It was reported that the 3 teenagers had died of suffocation. They have also found that there were more than ten slices on Dave’s body, 3 of them are of 4 inches deep. However, the glitters on Dave were still left unexplained.

Detective Jane Dough stated that she has never encountered cases like this and that she is confident to inspect the truth behind the “forest fairies”.

“There is no such things as supernatural. At least I don’t believe it. There have been cases regarding some criminals lurking in the Blean Woods at night, targeting visitors. I suspect this tragedy is not related to ‘forest fairies'.” She assured.

The Kent County Council has warned people to avoid the forests at night and planned to strengthen security. Schools and Universities are alerting students all around on this matter.

This uncanny mishap has never happened before. It is yet to be known if this unfortunate incident is paranormal or murder.

Edited with thanks to Elena
Edited with thanks to
Jennifer A.

