This Is Me

Ardelle Odartey
Writing in the Media
4 min readJan 24, 2017
Photo taken by Ardelle Odartey

Is this going to be an article, of me just waffling on about who I am?


…Well, at least I will try not to waffle on.

I tend to get bored at reading or hearing the same thing repeatedly. For instance,

“I am blah blah and I am from blah blah, blah blah blah”

I can’t even count on my fingers, at how many times, I have heard or seen someone start their sentence like that.

Wait. Did you catch that? At least you know one thing about me now. I tend to get bored at reading or hearing the same thing repeatedly.

But… wait, you just read something that I said twice.


I hope you guys are not like me, because if I was reading this, I wouldn’t even bother to read the rest because I am already dying of boredom.

I hope, I got you to laugh, maybe chuckle, or smile. If not all of those things, at least a cheeky little smirk. If I didn’t amuse you in the slightest, maybe I should try again with my icebreakers. Maybe a better one, perhaps?

That is the thing about me, I do tend to turn things into a joke, especially when I feel pressure. I feel it right now, as I am thinking of what to write as I am describing myself to people that don’t even know me.

The best way I can show you, who I am is through my pictures.

So, yes, those series of pictures of me above, is me. Now — quick disclaimer, I do not look so dolled up and camera ready all the time. I wish I could, but I don’t — unfortunately.

I would say I have there are many different sides to me, but those four pictures depicts my personality the most.

Picture 1 — The “fed up” me:

I was born on the 1st July. Do you know what that means? I am a Cancer. Now, I know people say star signs are a whole load of nonsense, but I can’t help but to feed into the nonsense. It’s my guilty pleasure.

Anyways… the point I am getting at is, that Cancer’s are known for their mood swings and I am guilty for getting mood swings, once in a while. I think it is because I get easily annoyed, like the littlest of things can get me annoyed. Which results in me just sitting in silence, being locked up in my room or having a 30 second rant to my loved ones. But don’t worry I do not take out my mood on anyone. I just need me time and then I am calm.

Picture 2 — The “don’t take no nonsense” me:

Wait… another disclaimer. I do have some good characteristic traits as well. I am just showing you, that I am human and I have various different characteristics to me. I would be lying if I said, I am always happy all the time and I don’t get frustrated from time to time.

I am just that type of person, who will not take any disrespect. Previously in my life, I have dealt with a lot of negativity and I have taken it on the chin. However, the person I am now, I am not going to let anyone take advantage of me. With my past experiences, it has helped me to become the woman that doesn’t take no nonsense.

Picture 3 — The “fun” me:

This is the side of me that most people see. I just love to joke around, have fun and laugh. I love to laugh — a person that can make me laugh, means a lot to me. I am so silly. I like to do pranks, with my mates and all other types of stuff. I feel like being silly and fun, is just a way of expressing my self. Hence, why I pulled a stupid face for this photo. It’s hard for me to be serious. I don’t know why, but it just is.

Picture 4 — The “confident” me:

Finally, we have come to the last characteristic that describes me. I would say this side of me, has only recently become apart of me. I have never been confident, I have always been insecure. I have never felt confident in my own skin before. I have never felt good enough for anyone or anything.

However, being in my third year of university. I have learnt to love myself — little by little. My confidence is not on a high — yet. But it is still continuing to grow. I need to have confidence in what I want to do. I have realised me being insecure and having fear, is not going to get me far. I will not succeed!

I believe in myself more and more, everyday and that is me.

Edited with thanks to Lauren Seward
Edited with thanks to

