This Is Me

Amelia Graffham
Writing in the Media
4 min readJan 24, 2017
Amelia Graffham 2017

In my eyes, writing about yourself is one of the hardest things you can be asked to do. I’m not sure why I find it such a struggle when I know myself pretty well. I have a good indication of my feelings, thoughts, what I like to do, and so on. However, when people ask me to tell them about myself I freeze — I never know where to start or what to say. What will other people find interesting? What do I want to reveal? To me, I am just ordinary.

So, where do I start? I’ll start with the basics, the things that come to mind straight away. I am 21. I am currently studying English Language and Linguistics at the University of Kent. I’m in my final year — which is quite daunting, however I am very much looking forward to taking all the memories, things I have learnt (about myself, other people and life itself), and the friends I’ve made, with me along the next path I face in life. This path is unknown at the moment as my career choice has not yet been decided, although I do know I want to make an impact on other people’s life. Especially those who may be less fortunate than myself, it saddens me that there are people in the world who don’t get the chance to experience the opportunities that I have already received and hopefully will continue to receive.

When I am not at uni I live with my mum and dad. I am the youngest of 3. Some may say youngest child syndrome, but we all get our fair share of good things. Both my brother and sister have flown the nest, they live in their own homes with their other halves, so home is very quiet when it’s just us. I live in small village in the middle of nowhere, and wouldn’t change it for the world. When I was younger I hated every minute of it, I did not appreciate the countryside but instead always dwelled on what I was missing out on — I was the only one out of friends who ‘couldn’t play out’, because I was the only a million miles from anywhere. However, going home now from Uni is such a treat.

I would describe myself as a happy girl, and I always have been really. So far, life has treated me so well. I have the most amazing family, who support and care for me so much, and I have a great bunch of friends both at home and at Uni. There isn’t much I would change about life itself; however there are personal aspects which I would change in a flash. I wish I was more confident in myself, and in what I do. I believe confidence is important in everything we do in life, and situations are made easier when there is self-belief. I am an anxious person, probably no more than anyone else, but there are things I worry about on a daily basis. The one thing that really gets me is, pigeons. I will walk on the other side of the road for a pigeon, I will also embarrass myself to get well out of the way of one. I don’t know what it is about them, they are so unpredictable and their flapping freaks me out. They scare me so much that even when I am driving I will duck down for them.

The last thing I would like to mention is life after uni.

People always ask me’ “What are your plans after Uni?” “Where do you see yourself in a years’ time?” In all honestly, I don’t know. I’m starting to realise there is no need to stress about these kind of things, because at the end of the day it will all work out. I know one thing, I want to maintain my happiness. Happiness is the most important thing to me; everything is so much easier when you are happy. You can see the good, in a bad situation, if you have a positive mind. There is one thing I must do before I get career and that is travel. I want to see the world before I get trapped in the working life.

That’s it really, a tiny snapshot of Amelia Graffham.

At the beginning, I thought it was going to be really hard to get words down on the page, however this is probably the quickest I have written this amount of words. If I was asked to write an essay, I would have not even written the first line by now. I haven’t written much this week, but I hope as each week goes on I can write more and more.

