This is me

Melis Kupelioglu
Writing in the Media
4 min readFeb 14, 2017
photograph by: Mehmet Salih Esenboga 2016

In these four years I have written huge numbers of essays for my modules but of course writing a free text is very different. It has been a long time since I have written about me. I kept strolling around pages to get some inspirations from people who write about themselves and to find how this social media thing works.

Writing is actually harder than it looks like. I am listening to music, resting on my bed with my laptop on my lap, drinking my coffee, and trying to write about my life right now. Every minute, more and more questions keep on popping into my head. Actually I prefer for prepare myself to bad things rather than being too optimistic and being disappointed at the end. So, I will be well prepared to the worst and if it turns out better than I thought it would, well, that’s excellent for me. I think this is my rule to be more successful in life.


Cyprus is a divided island below Turkey with Greek and Turkish citizens. I come from the Northern part of Cyprus, where only Turkish people live. Actually i prefer not to mention which part I come from but it does depend for some people. I hope, Cyprus’ problem will be solved and our Island will be united. We are all Cypriots. Fingers crossed, peace will be in our country very soon. Our country is famous with its donkeys on the Karpasia peninsula, its orange and tangerine trees, its harbours, olive trees, kleftiko and for with its sunny hot weather and with its unique golden beaches! I can’t move on without mentioning our indispensable traditional Sunday barbeques.

It’s been an only a week that I am back in Canterbury now, but yes I would love to be on my lovely island now.

The other half of my life, I spent in Canterbury. I am a third year student studying English Language and Linguistics. Time flies so fast. I remember the first day that I came to uni and picked up my room keys from reception and also can’t forget the registration queue. It was such a long way to go. Now, just only two more months to go and I will graduate. I am so excited. I often find myself thinking about my life after graduation: What am I going to do?

Besides, I am a shopping addict, full time series watcher, music listener and I’ve been playing volleyball for over 10 years now. I really enjoy going out with my friends and of course pyjama parties! Mandala painting is my favourite these days.

Aside from all that, the best thing is webcam conversations with my boyfriend! My other half and my best friend. He is so cute and I am so proud of being with him.

I should as well mention my parents. It doesn’t seem fair to praise my boyfriend and not to say a word about my family. So, I have a very glamourous mama, she wears the years well. And of course my father is really handsome he is working in London now. Even seeing him only once a week or sometimes less, I feel his energy and protection. He is Arda. He is in Spain and working at and he is always ready to enlighten me about anything and protect me from one end of the world to other!

By the way, I want to travel all around the world! I am curious about every country in the world. I travelled many European countries and want to visit all of them at least once. On my last trip, I went to Paris and my next one is going to be to Rome. You can of course follow me and see my pictures on Instagram. Traveller, travelling the world…

So, I didn’t have a dream job when I was younger. These days I think, I want to be a primary school teacher in my country to teach English as a second language to children. They are so cute and I want to spend time with these lovely creatures. I don’t know if I am going to succeed or not, like it or not, but still I want to try and see what will happen. I know that it is really difficult but what is easy in this life?

Sorry, if you got bored of my text and thanks for reading it. I tried to make it an easy read because there’s only so much I want to say about me. At least you can imagine that it was my first time for a long time that I was writing something like that.

