What I wish I had known before falling in ‘love’!

Bryan Brizzle Tichy
Writing in the Media
3 min readFeb 2, 2018
Image Credit: Alexey Ruban


Welcome to paradise…

“Welcome to your vacation Mr Bryan. You’ll be staying in the luxurious suite with spectacular views of the seafront, mountains and blinding city lights. Enjoy your stay!”

If only someone had told me falling for this girl would only turn out to be like a vacation!

Chapter 1: The Seafront

It was love at first sight, well no, but more unquestionably, it was attraction at first sight — at least for me.

This must have happened to at least a thousand men before me, as everything goes into slow motion and you freeze into the heat of the white sandy beach and gaze at the cool waves coming towards you and at this moment, try to grasp every feeling that beauty could possibly offer. Yes, there she was, the love of my life to be, strolling down a school corridor with a face and smile that even the blind could not miss. Everything so perfect like the sun’s rays reflecting off the sea water just at the right angle to create a breath-taking sparkling phenomenon. Long brown curly hair waved around the shoulders with flawless motion creating no distraction for the compelling blue and grey eyes which were rumoured to be captivating enough to leave you totally speechless. With my hand ready for a greeting, “Hello, I’m Bryan” I remember formally saying, just as well as I remember her responding “yes, I know.” To my astonishment at that time of course, she knew who I was, then I remembered she was in all my classes and at this moment I realised that rumour about her eyes leaving you lost for thought was completely true. The encounter with this magical human being led to more dreadful ‘pick up lines’ like the formal greeting and this was the beginning of ‘the vacation’.

Chapter 2: Mountains

There are not many better sights in the world than a view of impressive natural scenery. Mountains are one of these natural wonders which highlight how scenic the world really is. However, climbing mountains is not as easy as the holiday brochures make it seem with the key being careful preparation and knowing when you are ready. Climbing mountains with someone else on your shoulders is an even tougher experience which requires commitment and again, you need to be ready. This is a stage where the beautiful relationship was developing and phrases like ‘I love you’ were getting thrown around from all different mountain tops with no regard to what they really meant except it felt right at the time. Our mountains were mostly people from our lives trying to intervene in our ‘too’ deep connection but there was no stopping us from getting to the very top. One day, she whispered, ‘You’re the best thing to ever happen to me’ and trying hard not to ask this girl to marry me at this moment as a 17-year old, I whispered back ‘I know’ remembering the very first moment we talked creating one of many beautiful moments on our one-year anniversary.

Chapter 3: Blinding City Lights

Looking out into the city light at night time from a high viewpoint can also be as stunning and peaceful as a view of natural scenery. However, there is also life happening and a totally different world to what is seen from afar. ‘Go and live your life’ I remember saying as I waved goodbye to the love of my life when we were both leaving for University — little did I know I wasn’t part of that life she was going to live. Four weeks into University life and everything I had invested into the relationship flashed right before my eyes as I read the break-up letter which ended with ‘I’m enjoying the city lights and I know I love him now.’

Chapter 4: Back to reality…?

If I had known that falling in love at a younger age was like going on vacation, maybe it wouldn’t have hurt so much — but I guess I enjoyed my stay.

With thanks to Justine Salles and Tracy Enright

