What I Wish I Knew Before University

Amelia Graffham
Writing in the Media
3 min readFeb 3, 2017
Taken from Google images https://uk.pinterest.com/pin/272116002465003841/

Three years will go quicker than you think.

It’s true when they say “time flies when you are having fun.” I suppose I kinda knew this was the case from a young age. I’d get picked up from my friends house, after going round to play after school. Those few hours would go so quickly — and that’s because I was having fun. University is the same, I have thoroughly enjoyed all aspects but it has gone so fast. I wish I knew some of the things I knew now, so I could have embraced every minute of it.

Throw yourself into things.

I wish this was drummed into me. I was aware that university would provide so many opportunities but when I got here, chilling in my flat mates room for hours on end was so much more appealing. I also didn’t want to go along to something on my own. This is definitely my biggest regret of Uni.

There will be things you want to buy but you’ll have to wait.

Running out of foundation and mascara at the same time. This is the bane of my life. I will never just run out of one, always both. Once these were essentials. However, student life is tough. When your loan barely covers your accommodation let alone food, makeup and all the other things a girl like me thinks she needs have to wait. Food is the new necessity.

Enjoy doing nothing.

My brother constantly reminds me that I must enjoy the ‘Uni life’ because when I finish and have to go out into the big wide world those ‘do nothing days’ will be dreamt of. I like to have things to do, and get bored easily. However, I should have enjoyed what I would have classed as ‘boring’ days a bit more.

Don’t plan your house mates for second year straight away.

I cannot say my second year was the most enjoyable, people had their differences and so did I. However, we can only learn from our mistakes. It takes time to get to know people properly, they aren’t always who you think they are.

It won’t all be fun and games.

Don’t get me wrong, I have had such an amazing time at university. However, before I came I underestimated that there would be days where you just want to be on your own because you don’t feel yourself. This is normal though. You need time to reflect and have your own time.

Don’t leave assignments until last minute.

I still do it now, after two and a bit years saying things will change. I misjudge time. I think I have way more time than I do, I should know by now time goes so fast. Assignments require a lot of preparation, it doesn’t matter how quickly you can type, there is so much to it.

Stress less.

Easier said than done, but I wish I hadn’t let little things get to me. They aren’t worth it, I’d wake up in the morning and forget what it was I was worried about in the first place. Things will get done. People will annoy me, but at the end of the day I am only human.

It’s okay to ask for help.

I’ve always been pretty shy when it comes to asking for help. I guess I found it easier at school, but when I went on to sixth form I was always afraid of asking questions, even though we were constantly reminded that “no question, is a stupid question.” At University, I let myself struggle when really I should ask for help and advice.

One of the boys you decided to live with in second year, will be your boyfriend.

They say you shouldn’t go for your house mate. Well, the boy who was my best friend from day one became my boyfriend. Oops. But hey! We are still together now, so it couldn’t have been all that bad.

Thanks to Elena Iodice

