What I wish I’d known before adopting Coro…

Lucía Caravaca Casado
Writing in the Media
3 min readJan 31, 2017
https://www.google.es/search?q=free+image+cat+bed&biw=1366&bih=638&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjH8NWi0uXRAhUkDMAKHQU9DIgQ_AUIBigB#imgdii=ImERUvaTiS5NjM%3A%3BImERUvaTiS5NjM%3A%3BDe4OzDH6oVeSjM%3A&imgrc=ImERUvaTiS5NjM%3A (Accessed: 28 January 2017)

I’d always wanted to adopt him but they didn’t allow me to. I tried it hard to convince them over and over again. Nevertheless, much to my dismay, I always received the same answers… “No, no, no, no. NO WAY” or “Keep dreaming!” I couldn’t understand why. I promised to take care of him, to feed him… everything. I’ve always been responsible of everything and they knew it. I really wanted him. So, I had to do something.

My dad was afraid that Coro might not get on well with Lola. He really thought highly of her. I told him everything would be fine, that they would be used to one another as time goes by. He still said “NO”. On the other hand, my mum was afraid that he may scratch the curtains or destroy the sofa. I told her I would teach him how he must behave. It was impossible for me to convince them.

The only one who agreed with me was my brother. He also wanted Coro. Not as much as me, but he wanted him as well. So, we had to come up with a plan. We thought of several ideas but none of them were good enough. We were about to give up when suddenly he suggested me something. I wasn’t sure about it since it was a risky idea. But then I told myself “nothing ventured, nothing gained!”

The plan was to bring him home secretly and, after several days, show my parents his little face so that they couldn’t say “NO” once more. We also decided on a day for it. That was quite easy. It would be in a month’s time, when our parents were on their way to Italy. They were going to spend seven days there, so we would have time to get Coro used to our house.

I was so excited when the day came. We picked him up and brought him home. He was so tiny. He spent the first day on the sofa. He was so afraid that he didn’t even want to eat anything. On the second day, he started exploring the house. He even approached Lola. It seemed as if they liked each other. And by the end of the week, he was completely used to us and to the house. He was so nicely behaved!

I was nervous when my parents were about to come back. My brother tried to calm me down. And I told myself “It’s in the lap of the Gods…”.

To my surprise, when my parents returned and saw him, they took the situation with humour. They didn’t get angry but happy instead. They started stroking him as if they’d always wanted to have a cat. I couldn’t believe it.

What I wish I’d known before adopting Coro is that my parents would surprisingly accept him so easily once they met him. My mum gets on so well with him now. She plays with him every single day. She loves stroking him! She almost prefers expending time with him rather than with me! My father thinks highly of Coro as he also does of Lola and I love that. Also, I’m surprised that both of them, Lola and Coro, get on extremely well. They spend most of the time together. I must admit I was also afraid that they’d hate each other because of what is usually said about cats and dogs… So, now Coro has become part of the family as Lola did once!

If I’d known it wasn’t going to be that difficult to convince my parents once he was home, I´d have adopted him before without a shadow of a doubt!

