Why You Hate Ross from Friends

Hannah Ost
Writing in the Media
3 min readFeb 25, 2020


Picture Credit: Wikimedia

So, the Friends reunion we all so desperately craved has at last been handed to us. And really, could you BE any more excited? But the big question on everyone’s lips is, where will Ross and Rachel be? As we left it, Rachel had just turned down her dream job to be with Ross and all six of them went for coffee in Central Perk. Maybe they’ll have had another child together? Maybe they’ll have bought their own house, right next to Monica and Chandler’s in the suburbs? Or maybe they’ll be separated for good this time and quite rightly, NOT in each other’s lives.

To be fair, Rachel and Ross probably are perfect for each other. They both want to marry for love, they are both career-focused and they’re pretty similar in the way that they think. The only issue, of course, is the way they think is CRAZY and both of them need therapy, S E P E R A T E L Y, to get over their jealousy issues (likely stemming from their spoilt upbringings and generally being the all-round favourite child.) Come for me, Roschel shippers.

On a surface-level, Ross Geller is a kind-hearted, thoughtful, underappreciated scholar, who stands by his unfaithful ex-wife, in order to be a good dad for his son. He loves Rachel, despite her shallow, self-absorbed nature and is constantly craving the stability of settled life, married to his childhood sweetheart. But I can’t stand the guy. Admit it, neither can you. Here’s why:

1. He’s a major sexist

Having such an overreaction at a male nanny, forcing Ben to play with “boy” toys and throw away the more “feminine ones”, not to mention the list he made to compare human beings like he was buying a coat. Regardless of the fact that you could get away with more in the 90s, Ross could have at least been a little respectful of other people!

2. I, Ross, take thee R- wait, who am I marrying?

Ah yes, the various weddings of Ross Geller. Lest we forget the unforgivable moment he said Rachel’s name at the altar. I mean, sure, mistakes can happen, but to then take Rachel on your honeymoon instead of the woman he just married… are you okay, Ross?!

3. He’s controlling and possessive

Hiding Rachel’s messages, very openly hating Mark, not being exactly happy about Rachel moving to Paris to follow her dreams. He even barred her from dating while she was pregnant, whilst he was dating Mona! Plus, spying on Monica and Chandler all the time? I’m not surprised they moved.

4. Anger Issues

Okay, he may have improved throughout the series and good on him for actually going to see someone and getting medicated at one point. But his reaction to finding out Joey was dating Rachel (which by the way is how it should have ended) was a little OTT. He hadn’t been seeing her for six years and then got angry when he found out someone else was interested — like Rachel was his (somewhat-neglected) personal property. Jeez, Ross, she’s a girl not a Tamagotchi.

As much as I loathe him, I’ve got to give it to him… they were on a break. Granted, not cool of Ross to get with someone when he was so adamant that Rachel was his ride or die. Also, not cool of him to actively hide the copy girl in his flat while Rachel was there. And SUPER not cool of him to fall asleep reading a letter Rachel wrote (even though he regularly reads palaeontology assignments submitted by his students) and then blame her for being, get this, too wordy… and then LIE AGAIN and say he read it all! But, yes, they were *technically* on a break.

But, this brings me to point number…

5. He always has to be right

WE WERE ON A BREAAAAAAKK. Ah, the dulcet tones of Ross Geller destroying his relationship with Rachel Green for the 17th time this season. Regardless of whether you were or not, agree to disagree and move past it, or literally walk the other way and never speak again. PLEASE. For the sanity of humankind.

Here’s one for you to yell, Geller: IT DOESN’T MATTERRRRR.

