Guest Book Review: V.B.’s Take on Brown Sugar and Spice by Mathis Bailey

Marie Lavender
Writing in the Modern Age
5 min readFeb 22, 2024

Brown Sugar & Spice by Mathis Bailey

This book tells Pierre’s story as he’s recovering from breaking up with his fiancé. It’s detailed and easy to read, with poetic descriptions that put you right there with Pierre. it’s a nice follow up from the first book in the series.

Pierre goes on an epic journey in three parts. He loses his roommate and gains another, then loses his job and looks for another. In the meantime, he revisits his Bahamian roots when he spends time with his family after his mother’s father passes away.

But Dre keeps coming back. Then there’s London with his temptations and limits. Pierre stays strong and stands up for himself. He ends up jobless and single still, but on the cusp of something big with Zola. And he’s in a better place on his own than he was with either Dre or London. I look forward to the following books.

I recommend reading this to take a journey of recovery and friendship, with a smattering of love. The friendships and families in this book are fantastic, as is the food. The sex scenes are hot, even when they stop before the finale. We all can use some reality when dealing with our troubles. It was interesting to see how Pierre dealt with his. He came out on top, after all.

NOTE: I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I give this book 4 stars because it was full of complex people and gave me the taste and smells of their lives.

Photo by Sarah Vombrack on Unsplash.

Book Blurb:

Pierre Jackson loses his gusto for cooking after breaking up with his wealthy fiancé, De’Andre Harris. He is beckoned to leave the comfort of his country when he receives a disturbing call that there’s been a death in the family. He meets a Southern Belle who becomes his roommate, and she propositions him on opening a bistro. Pierre is lost and confused, and he doesn’t know what to do. His faith is challenged like it has never been before.

​Note: This is the sequel to Confused Spice, book 1 of the series.

​Universal Reader link:

Here’s an excerpt from the book…


STARING AT ME was a perfectly cut piece of meat. Two inches high. Cooked and seared to a caramelized color. I sliced into it, and the knife sunk deep into its flesh hitting the bottom of the white plate. The clear juices flowed onto a bed of creamy truffle mashed potatoes and cauliflower. I stabbed my fork into the tender meat and tasted it. I let the flavors dance around my mouth like two passionate lovers tumbling between the sheets. I chewed slowly and pensively while an army of flavors massaged my tongue. Th is was almost better than sex. I said almost. This meal was not harsh. Not ugly. Not even remotely boring. It was handsome and satisfying. It filled me with excitement and possibility. All doubts and uncertainties melted away. All the joyous noise tuned out. I was loving every minute of it. I came to the conclusion that food was my confidant. My salvation. My peace. My friend and sometimes my lover. This was the kind of food I always dreamed about being catered at my wedding.


I STEPPED OUT of the Uber to find a missed call from De’Andre Harris.

What the hell? What could he possibly want? My fingers hovered over the keys as I thought about texting him back. It had been a year since I left him. I was tired of his down-low, cheating ass. But what really was the nail in the coffi n was when he got his intern pregnant. However, I learned later from Dre that the baby wasn’t his. Well, you see, the woman actually lied. Turns out she was obsessed with him. She had made up fraudulent medical records and decided to come clean after Dre threatened to get her fired from CBC News. After he told me this, I wondered if he thought I would come running back into his arms.

He had left a voice mail. I waited until I stepped into my apartment to play it. I sat on the sofa and listened to the familiar voice flood my senses. He was in town, visiting his parents at their new vacation home. His parents were throwing a housewarming party, and he invited me to come. I listened to the message over and over, at least ten times, savoring his deep, sexy, voice. Studying the cadence of it rising and falling to see if he missed me as much as I missed him. The way he said “Pierre” sent electric waves through my body. I wondered if he’d changed. I wondered if he was less confused about us. There was an ongoing battle within me.

Why was he inviting me to this party? One part of me was Team Stay Yo Ass at Home, and the other part was Team Go Get That Dick Before It’s Too Late. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to see him.

Intriguing! So, what are other people saying about this series?

“The plot becomes increasingly absorbing…an excellent read.” — Kirkus Reviews

“Bailey’s prose is beautiful…it is sprinkled with stunning descriptions and engaging dialogue…It’s a new, exciting experience.” — Manhattan Book Review

“Be warned: don’t read this book when you are hungry.” — Scandalicious Book Reviews

Confused Spice is an eclectic modern read that weaves family, friendship, sexuality, and self-discovery.” — San Francisco Book Review


AUTHOR: Mathis Bailey

TITLE: Brown Sugar & Spice

GENRE: LGBT Multicultural Romantic Fiction/Food Fiction

RELEASE DATE: June 17, 2019

PUBLISHER: Ingramspark


OUR RATING: 4 stars

REVIEWED BY: V.B. “Can Do Indie Author”

Guest Blogger/Reviewer Bio:

V.B. is an indie author who writes romance and Sci-Fi, and voraciously reads anything (with some limits). When she’s not reading and writing, she’s working a day job to pay for her truck habit and puttering around her house.

​Here is the whole book series…

Great! Thanks for this review, Virginia, and for stopping by the blog! :)

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Originally published on October 3, 2023 at



Marie Lavender
Writing in the Modern Age

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 20 other books. Blogger for ILRB & Writing in the Modern Age. Peace lover & fan of cute animals.