Guest Book Review: V.B.’s Take on One Visit by George Veck

Marie Lavender
Writing in the Modern Age
10 min readSep 13, 2023

Please welcome our guest reviewer today! Let’s see what she has to say. Take it away, V.B…

Thank you! ♥

One Visit by George Veck

Grit. Drugs. Sex. Muck. Bleak. Hopeless. Death. Prison. This book holds back no punches. What is life really like when chemicals overtake us? Dark and dreary, yet honest, this book shares the truth of the worst of us. I don’t see this as a crime story. It’s more like the dark side of humanity relating to drug use. The cops are as brutal as the “crooks.” And the brothers try, but cannot overcome their circumstances.

I liked the ending, though. I hope Dazzler wins. I hope Frankie survives. But realistically, it’s death or worse coming for them. If Frankie doesn’t OD, he’ll have to get clean. Then what? What hope can he have? What about Dazzler? His options are fewer.

If you’ve not been an addict, this book may scare you. If you know an addict or an abused person, this book may give you a taste of how bad things were for them. If you have survived something like this life, this book may give you a cathartic emotional journey, or even trigger you.

Finally, this book is functionally hard to read. Welsh, slang, and Welsh-English don’t always make sense to this Yank. The POV shifts between all characters all the time. You may get lost or confused. However, if I were stoned out of my mind, life may feel that way to me, so I wonder if the author made it confusing on purpose.

NOTE: I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I give this book 4 stars because it was viscerally hard to read. No one should live like this, but we do.

Ranking Vectors by Vecteezy.

Book Blurb:

In sleepy, rural North Wales, Frankie Gibbs, a recently laid off, aimless twenty-year-old on Universal Credit, wants nothing more than to keep his younger brother out of the care system. He single-handedly takes this upon himself while their alcoholic, cocaine-addict, single-parent father, Guy Gibbs, heaps misery on their lives through systematic abuse and his never-ending wild parties. After Guy is sent to prison, Frankie is coerced into opening his home to Justin, an acquaintance from his school days now turned drug dealer, while his own addiction and self-worth spiral beyond recognition.

Trigger warnings: One Visit contains themes of mental and physical abuse, rape, and drug use.

​Universal Reader link:

What are other people saying about One Visit?

One Visit is an astonishing debut. It’s raw, shocking, disturbing, insightful, and dark, pretty much from start to finish. There are flashes of wit but, in the main, it’s a full-frontal assault with the truth of physical, psychological, social, and political deterioration in a beautiful part of Wales.” — Persiflage O’Brien, Amazon

‘’Thought-provoking, shocking, and engaging, author George Veck’s ‘One Visit’ is a must-read crime drama. The horrors that the protagonist and his brother endure as the narrative descends further and further into chaos hone in on the growing problem of drug abuse and violence as a whole around the world, and will speak to readers on a very distinct level. If you haven’t yet, be sure to grab your copy today!’’ — author Anthony Avina’s blog

One Visit makes you think while you are reading. It opens your eyes because these characters grow on you and you hope that somehow Frankie and Dazzler will escape their life, while realizing they are too far in for help.” — Karen Lee, Goodreads

“The author has passion, feelings, and descriptive writing to a tee.” — Mark Fearn, Goodreads

“I really enjoyed the honest look into the life of drug users and the dealers. Yes, at times, it was a difficult read, but the uniqueness of both the plot and the characters kept me intrigued and wanting to read on. I thought the characters were well done. They felt realistic, and although there were some unlikeable characters, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for them.” — Books by Mani blog

‘’One Visit is a raw, uncompromising novel exploring a grimly compelling and contemporary world of drug addiction with its predators and prey. A brutally good read that’s well worth a look.” — Rose Auburn, Goodreads

“There is a strong substance abuse theme throughout the book written in a real way. I recommend this book and approach it with an open mind as the author gives us a look at what many people face daily, the burden of addiction.” — Stuart Brkn Johns, Goodreads

“Every little detail in the narrative, the use of slang native to drug users, (I was thankful for a few of the footnotes) all works to blend in this documentary-style book. As a reader, you are invested in a story but still remain a spectator. You can see what they cannot, frustrating as that might be, because you know the outcome of it all won’t be sunshine and rainbows.” — Michelle, Goodreads

Here’s an excerpt from the book…

Frankie Gibbs’ sunken eyes burst open. His underweight, sweaty midriff springs upwards and leans against the bed frame, panting and gasping for air. He’s safe this time, although it takes him the thick side of sixty seconds to realize. He stretches over to his stale bedside half pint of water to sooth his parched throat. A desperate orange piss level of parched, amplified by shutting his stuffy room’s windows to both keep spiders and next door’s rotten month-old garden bin bag stench out.

Dread seeps in, not helped by his first sight of the day, a plethora of grubby beer cans and pot noodle packets varying in age littering the dim room. To add insult to injury, a familiar warm sensation around his crotch area becomes increasingly apparent, a stinging itch on the thigh. An absolute disaster, the level of sting means only one thing, it happened early in the night. Leaving more time for the piss to penetrate the plastic protection sheet and seep into the springy mattress.

A peak under the covers at his drenched Primark pajama bottoms confirms all suspicions, it’s happened again. Undoubtedly, the chugging of eight pint cans of Galleryx lager to get through a Film4 Steven Seagal marathon headlined by ‘On Deadly Ground’ played its part.

Frankie gazes over to the corner of the room and grimaces, his clean sheet pile’s as bare as his stomach. Barring a miraculous end to his father Guy Gibbs’ five-year housework hiatus, it’ll be a sheetless night tonight. Frankie’s unproductive, leisurely bedroom-bound night on the piss all but guarantees that no washing was done. He strips the sheets off the bed so roughly that it shreds down the seam. About time one would say, given its ancient cult status within the family after being passed through two generations. But with a three week wait until his next universal credit payment and left down to one currently dirty sheet, it couldn’t have happened at a worse time.

Frankie wraps the manky sheets forcefully into a ball and heads authoritatively for the bathroom. A door downstairs clatters and he freezes in the hallway, the location of a catalogue of septic foot wounds caused by the perilously high pointing nails sticking out of the uneven floorboard.

Nobody comes up the stairs, all clear.

He storms for the bathroom. Off come the damp pyjamas, but his trousers, seemingly glued to his legs, prove far from a breeze to rip off. Stuffed in head first with all of his might, the dirty laundry initially fits in the washing basket. But after Frankie collapses onto the shower cubicle floor without noticing, it slowly expands and ends up hanging out of the open lid, dripping with piss and sweat. He stuffs his head into his hands as tears trail between his fingers. An unnerving racket from the disastrously unsafe shower fitting, that’s at least ten years overdue for replacing ensures his anonymity in the paper thin walled terraced house where most is heard between rooms. Horizontal fresh razor wounds on his right shoulder partially open up and ooze out a touch of blood.

Meters away down in the living room, Frankie’s long-time friend Alfie Fenner stands leaning his elbow on an enormous snooker cue case. Caked in Dax wax, with slicked back hair and wearing a grey suit jacket, he’s way out of place in these most unglamorous of surroundings, the presentability of which isn’t helped by the unofficial house servant’s self-imposed night off on the piss.

Guy’s stain-ridden high vis jacket, sported at last night’s heavy pound-a-pint session down at the local, is of stark contrast and befitting to the houses disarray. His supervisor role on a building site, which he’s casually two hours late for today, allows him the privilege of washing it as he feels.

Guy’s youngest son Dazzler makes the most of his teacher shortage enforced half school day by gloomily pursuing Premier League and European glory with Liverpool on Fifa career mode. An epic challenge given his recent ascent in game difficulty up to legendary.

‘’Space with us, should you be after some proper match practice!’’ Guy proposes.

‘’Full squad I thought?’’ Alfie mutters dismissively.

‘’I’ll sack any of the ten journeyman fucks on the squad off, any of them!’’ Guy passionately declares in his desperation to sign Alfie, an elite player at local level, up for the pool team that he captains.

‘’Tuck, tuck, all fucking night! All you past it never had it mugs do.’’ Alfie mockingly imitates the delicate type of shot required for tucking someone up.

‘’You haven’t a scooby of our impenetrable dominance in the Bangor league.’’

“Maybe if the standard was in the slightest bit stimulating.’’

With respect to the Bangor pool league, its standard proves a stimulating challenge to those outside of the sport’s professional ranks. Boasting a plethora of international and county level players, its one frame shoot-out format ensures a challenge for any player to remain unbeaten over an entire twenty match season. Fearing his reputation as a budding professional snooker player will bring out the best in his opponents, Alfie finds it safer to pretend he’s above that level.

‘’Div one champions last year, Fenner boy, I’ll have you know.’’ Guy proudly reminds Alfie of the pinnacle of his eleven years as captain. ‘’Not just on about the pool though, am I, rammed full of janky munters that club of yours.’’

‘’No way! More student p*ssy down there on a Wednesday than you could fucking fathom.’’

Indeed, it is a hot spot for ‘student p*ssy’, not that Guy stands even the slightest chance of pulling a single one of them, which consecutive calamitous failed attempts has proven.

Despite the fortune of a relatively handsome face and strapping physique, Alfie’s dirth of pulling power, subsequent inferiority complex, and anger towards women has lately developed into a baseline curiosity in the incel community. ‘’Oh, right yeah, let’s say it is. Why then is it you skulk off to Vietnam, fucking flower seeking.’’ Alfie jabs Guy in the crotch with his cue case. ‘’That grubby little chode of yours senseless, for your entire month of paid holiday, every bastard year?’’

Guy’s vigor diminishes, all but crushed by the damning summary of his rigid optimization of leisure and free time. ‘’Yeah well, that’s not all I do out there, is it?’’

Other than the hotel’s two-star hygiene rated kitchens all-you-can-eat buffet, where he stocks up on energy for the following day’s conquests, it is.

‘’Won’t mind taking Dazzler with you then?’’ Alfie optimistically asks.

Guy shudders at the mere thought. Brothels that know him on first name terms, narrowed down to his favorite three that he rotates for daily visits on his trips, wouldn’t let the boy through the front door, not like the unregulated good old days.

‘’Fearful all the birds will have me instead.’’ Dazzler sarcastically chimes in without taking his eyes off a crucial Fifa EFL cup semifinal clash with Huddersfield that he holds a slender one nil lead in.

Deep down, Guy knows his womanizing peak was over at nineteen after putting on four pounds of flab following a futile attempt to quit his half gram a day cocaine habit. ‘’D’you think the other reason I piss off for is?’’

Alfie fails miserably to restrain the urge to groan. ‘’Frankie stuck here babysitting again!’’

That puts any late night best of nineteen frame slogs, an inevitable ten nil win for Alfie more often than not, out of the question for an entire month. Not just any month, but the last month of practice before his first pop at snookers Q school. A grueling tournament held once a year, that’s the only gateway into the professional ranks. It has been assumed that Frankie will serve as his semi willing full time practice partner, should he pull Q school off against the odds. A decision in itself that puts Alfie’s slim chances of sustained success into peril, given Frankie’s comparatively lackluster ability.


AUTHOR: George Veck
TITLE: One Visit
GENRE: New Adult, Crime Drama
RELEASE DATE: November 6, 2022
PUBLISHER: Indie Published
OUR RATING: 4 stars
REVIEWED BY: V.B. “Can Do Indie Author”

Guest Blogger/Reviewer Bio:

V.B. is an indie author who writes romance and Sci Fi, and voraciously reads anything (with some limits). When she’s not reading and writing, she’s working a day job to pay for her truck habit and puttering around her house.

Awesome. Thanks for this review, Virginia, and for stopping by the blog! :)

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Originally published on September 13, 2023 at



Marie Lavender
Writing in the Modern Age

Multi-genre author of Victorian romance, UPON YOUR RETURN, and 20 other books. Blogger for ILRB & Writing in the Modern Age. Peace lover & fan of cute animals.