Academic poster — Critical Questions for Big Data — Nicolaj Sejer K. Andersen

Peer critique:

Nicolaj Sejer K. Andersen
Writing Innovation Studio
2 min readFeb 28, 2019


· The background is interfering with the text in the abstract.

- This made my think about how to make the text stand out more, without putting a box behind the text.

· The last question-box is really dark, making the black text hard to read.

o I might try to make the colors from question-box 4 to 6 go from dark to light.

Professional critique:

· Split the headline into two lines and make use of the top of the paper.

· The lines of the abstract text are to long. Find a way to split them up.

My own reflections after the presentation:

· My poster might be more of a traditional poster, trying to communicate something very quick. I made my poster, for someone to stand next to it trying to start a “discussion” about the questions.

· Do my symbols provide anything useful to my poster?

· Is there enough text? The guy in the video provided on Learnit said to aim for around 300 words — which is not a lot, compared to “normal” academic posters. In this case my poster might be lacking a lot of text.

· It was hard to cover the requirement “The poster should both clearly communicate the point (focus) and provide insight into how this point was reached through a visual representation of the argument.”. My text is without a real method, analysis or conclusion.

· My “quote” is the first half of the abstract from the paper — but is that enough to meet the requirement?

· There is a big difference from pc to print. I printed in A4, but thought of it in A3. It might not have made a big difference.

First draft

