Nicolaj Sejer K. Andersen
Writing Innovation Studio
2 min readMar 14, 2019


PRESS RELEASE (FICTIONAL) — Nicolaj Sejer K. Andersen


For the final draft I have rewritten the press release, to fit the requirements. As I only had 30 minutes to rewrite the text, I would like to revisit it later, if I pick the press release as one of my texts for my final portfolio. I could not find the actual funding given to the project, so I just came up with the 5 million (I thought I remembered seeing it in the test though) 😊.

The six subprojects could need some elaboration, as suggested by the peers. The structure of the press release should also be clearer.


This press release is based on an application from ITU ETHOS Lab, suggesting a collaboration with the Velux Foundation. I therefore wrote the press release as a way, to inform others of the work EHTOS lab wanted to make — as if the paper were not aimed for the Velux foundation but all possible funds. I thought I previously had seen press releases asking for funding, but after consulting with Marisa, I got the impression that it might not have been press releases 😊.

Writing this press release made me think about, which audience to aim for. Who are the intended target group for this kind of press release. How do you make it interesting? This press release does not really have any of the five different criteria’s a news story should have (provided last week). But sometimes, press releases are not interesting. I therefore think that picking this topic, is a great way to try out a “real life” scenario.

Most of this press release is just a resume — which is not that educative, but I am not sure how I should have made it any other way.

I would need to write some more to meet the requirement of the 500–800 words.

I might rewrite the press release, to make it fit into our case of news worthy press releases, now that I know that the project got the funding.

