Book Week 2020 Exquisite Corpse Activity — Story 13

Matt San B
Oct 24, 2020


‘Exquisite Corpse’ is a writing game which is created collaboratively by passing the story from one person to another. What makes it enjoyable is that a writer can only see the last few lines of the previous contribution and must continue the thread blindly before sending it to the next person. It creates surreal and nonsensical stories with unexpected illogical but amusing twists. This game was played for Book Week 2020 amongst 13 participants, and below is one of the thirteen stories concocted.

“Wait, wait, wait, why are we here?” Maria whispered sharply.

“Relax. It’s only for one night.” Jordan replied.

“A night on this planet lasts 13 years.” Maria exclaimed. “This isn’t what we agreed on.”

Maria shivered on the thought. It took 13 years just for the planet to rotate on its own axis? Then, a strange creature saw Maria.

“You are in the kingdom of Mars,” The alien told Maria.

“Whaa- whaa- what are you?!” Maria exclaimed.

“We are the most intelligent species, so intelligent that we have our own megastructure, a Dyson sphere which can harness the whole power of the sun.” A sphere large enough to rival the proportions of deine Mutter. Galactic destruction never before seen on Mars. It would be wonderful to see!

“Perhaps we could grab some popcorn on the way” Shanna remarked.

Ethan felt her arms wrap around his arm. “‘Exquisite Corpse’… you sure that’s the movie you want to see?” He looked at the poster. It depicted a pale man in a suit, arms crossed on his chest with his eyes closed. “Well, it is October, is it not?”

