Reduced My Weight by 5.7 kg (true)

No Gym/Special diet: How I turned around my health by lifestyle changes and lost weight in the process

Ilam Padmanabhan
Writing Magic


The story my weight loss! Photo - Pexels

In the past, I’ve always been skeptical of weight loss stories that don’t involve going to the gym. I thought that to see real results, you needed to be putting in hours at the gym each week. How wrong I was!

By making a few simple lifestyle changes, I reduced my weight by 5.7 kg without stepping foot in a gym. In this post, I’ll share with you what those changes were and how you may be able to make them work for you too!

Disclaimer: I’m not a certified health advisor. Please do not subject your body to change based on free advice from the internet. Talk to a health professional if you need help.

Credibility first:

Screenshot of author’s health stats from Renpho app — Ilam Padmanabhan

Why did I want to reduce weight:

I did not intend to reduce weight. I did a blood work annually for all sorts of things once I’d turned 35. Cardiovascular diseases run in my genes. I had high cholesterol, that was not a surprise. I’ve had it for a while appearing athletic. However HDL was…



Ilam Padmanabhan
Writing Magic

Love to read and write about Software Engg, Agility, QA, Future of Humanity, AI, Books, Travel, Politics, Climate Change, Personal Finance, Writing & Life!