What I Learned From Writing 300 Posts

This is what I’ve learnt Writing 300 posts

Ilam Padmanabhan
Writing Magic


Publishing 300 posts: A finish line I didn’t expect to get to — Photo by RUN 4 FFWPU

The title said everything I needed to say in the intro paragraph.

Let’s jump right in.

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Writing a lot of words is easy.
Writing small sentences is difficult.
Writing a short, sharp & effective sentence is a real skill.

Writing like someone else is simple.
Writing like yourself is harder.
World has enough of ‘others’. It needs the authentic ‘you’.

Consistency over long periods is a superpower.
Stay the course. However long it takes.
Every journey is unique.

Anytime is a good time to start.
The best time is now.

How much you know doesn’t matter.
Any knowledge is good enough to start.
Internet is full of knowledge. Use it.

You’ll need to learn.
The more you learn, the more you realize there is much more to learn.
Keep learning.



Ilam Padmanabhan
Writing Magic

Love to read and write about Software Engg, Agility, QA, Future of Humanity, AI, Books, Travel, Politics, Climate Change, Personal Finance, Writing & Life!