Big Changes In The Works

Discover Publishing
3 min readJun 3, 2015

We recently announced Discover Publishing to the world, although we’ve been working on the project behind the scenes for several months now. At the point of inception, DP was to serve two distinct purposes:

  1. Help grow the Medium community.
  2. Begin publishing e-books through Medium for those we represent.

Any initiative we undertake, we want to ensure it works to further either of these two goals. Additionally, in our other businesses, we highly value simplicity and minification wherever possible. It’s with this in mind, that we are announcing the following changes moving forward.

Writing On

Writing On has exceeded our expectations from the very beginning. We’ve grown this publication from nothing to nearly twelve-hundred followers in little more than a week and growth continues at a rate of one-hundred new followers per day. The feedback we’ve been receiving is fantastic and the Medium community seems to be rallying around this publication.

So with this in mind, we are making the following changes. Author Interviews and Editor Interviews will be absorbed into Writing On. We currently have around a dozen questionnaires out to the contributors and editors of the most successful publications on Medium. Please keep in mind that we have to accommodate the very busy schedules of these individuals, so it may be a few more weeks before we are able to start publishing.

Finally, while originally created to -just- provide help articles, we’re changing the description of this publication to “The Medium Community”. We believe this better reflects our intentions of publishing; research, interviews, feedback, discussions, event coverage, updates and more. Think of Writing On as the community within the community of Medium. In the very near future, we will begin paying out for coverage on specific topics, stay tuned for more on that.

Introducing Publishing On

While Writing On achieves our first goal of growing the Medium community, Publishing On achieves our second of providing a platform to begin publishing talented authors who believe in the power of Medium. Here’s a quick rundown of the way the publication is going to work:

  1. We will publish one chapter at a time from each e-book on a pre-determined schedule based upon the needs of the author (every week, every month, etc.).
  2. We will be providing promotion of the authors needs through our own social channels and each installment on Medium (Pre-Orders, CrowdFunding, etc.).
  3. The entire book will be released to the Medium community, but special bonus material (chapters, illustrations, videos) will only be available with purchase on our platform.
  4. We’re nearing completion of a custom developed WordPress site specifically designed for e-book publishing that allows embedding of rich media, reader interaction and a whole lot more.
  5. Discounts will be provided to the Medium Community for any e-book purchases from our authors.

That’s it for now, but a few quick updates:

  • Development of our embeddable tools has been postponed until the completion of the publishing platform (we will preview one soon).
  • Our first offline event will be held the first week of August in Portland, OR, so stay tuned for details (SFX to follow).
  • Medium rocks! They’ve been incredibly supportive of us and left the door open for communication and collaboration moving forward.
  • Our newsletter sign-ups continue to grow by dozens per day, don’t forget to sign-up below to stay in the know.
  • Writing On and Publishing On will be getting pro makeovers from an incredibly kind and talented graphic designer.

Click here to sign-up for updates from Discover Publishing.

Writing On is a publication of Discover Publishing.* If you enjoyed this article, please recommend it below and share it with others.

*Discover Publishing is not affiliated with or sponsored by Medium.

