Give Thanks!!

Helen Alexandrou
Writing Pad
Published in
2 min readSep 27, 2016

Give thanks to the ignorant, condescending, negative, know it all’s, for they are the ones who give you the ambition and motivation to feed your every desire, the hunger to strive for more, the passion to do something you love, the excitement of knowing you can make a change in your life.

Do not allow this cancerous negative force riddle your soul. These beings are simply unhappy with their own destiny in life and find joy in spreading their misery like a plague.

I haven’t always had this state of mind. I have succumbed to the wrath of being provoked, feeling enraged, angry, hateful, ill-tempered and threatened, and I put up my dukes and start punching fists in the air. But what’s with all this rage, is it worth the expenditure of all of these ill feelings?

Today, as the old saying goes the penny dropped. I woke up and smelt the roses. I came to realise that these outbursts are just a waste of space in my mind, my heart and every living cell that makes me me. It doesn’t leave much room for good feelings and for this reason, negativity is becoming less of battle in my universe, and every day that I’m alive, I am learning to deal with certain situations by turning that negative energy into something fun, and exciting, and invigorating.

Today, those feelings I had that were provoked brought me one step closer to pursuing my goals, one step closer again to reaching my ultimate goal…. I will be my own boss. The power of the mind and the need to want something so bad that I can almost taste it, will prevail.

Today, I will give thanks to those who brought me here, because without you, I’d be the lesser version of an amazing driven, motivated, passionate, thriving woman that I am today.

What comes next……is another instalment of my trials and tribulations on reaching my desired goal.

I would love to know what you have learnt or still learning from a similar situation. It could be one that is completely different. I’d love to know what you felt, what made you strive for a better you, what goals you have and how you think you can achieve them.

Till next time. Be amazing!



Helen Alexandrou
Writing Pad

I know everyone has a purpose and life is too short for mediocrity. I have finally found my purpose and I’d like to share it with you