So where does my inspiration come from?

Helen Alexandrou
Writing Pad
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2016

My inspiration in life is to make every day count. Take the low moments and make them great, take the great moments and make them greater :)

Everybody has them, the good the bad and the ugly moments. Be it at work, at home, school or University, well anywhere really. It’s what we do with these moments that determines how happy we can be. But what is it that makes one person’s ability to overcome the lows and turn them into something more positive to those who are unable to surpass these lows and think that mediocrity is normal? For me it’s not about thinking positively 24/7, it’s not reaching for the stars till you find true happiness, it’s about doing things in reverse. It’s taking the things you don’t like in your life and turning them into something more positive, fun, rewarding and amazing. But how?

How did I turn something mediocre into something spectacular? Where did I find my inspiration? Well I worked on my lows first and it stood out like dog poo. My office job. Yes I know, It’s not the worst job in the world but when I felt my mind was being stripped of all its creativity and replaced with a bored numb mind, I knew that there was change lurking and I needed to find something to get excited about again. It finally hit me, it was like a big hand slapping me on the back of my head, or like the On switch of a light. I was going to use everything I loved in my life and put it somewhere for everyone to see. I would use my skills as a personal trainer to help with body transformations, my tastebuds to review Adelaide and abroad dining (wine included), my desire to excel and share this mindset with people, my failed and triumphant parenting skills to three beautiful amazing intelligent daughters, my strong willed mind to help discipline the minds and hearts of anyone that has a vision.. This is only the tip of the iceberg. The excitement is too much to bare…but I can tell you one thing.. I’m loving it and will not be stopping anytime soon!!

So it is here that my inspiration gets to shine.

So tell me, what is it that has inspired you to make changes in your life, either socially, spiritually, emotionally, physically and mentally?




Helen Alexandrou
Writing Pad

I know everyone has a purpose and life is too short for mediocrity. I have finally found my purpose and I’d like to share it with you