Justin Timberlake on SNL (3/9/12) (UPDATED)

Tammy Gu
writing practice
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2013

JT is on SNL tonight!! Who’s excited? I AMM!!!!!!!!! I will definitely be in full fangirl mode.

I’ll be back later tonight (after it’s over PST) to recap the skits and performances :)

Updated recap after photo: You can check out the sketches and the performances here (under “video clips”).

Opening: Solid skit — I enjoyed it more than the usual political opening skits.

Monologue: It’s JT’s 5th time hosting!!! He joins the “5-timer club” comprised of SNL greats like Alec Baldwin, Steve Martin, Tom Hanks, Chevy Chase, etc. Are they all gonna pop up again throughout the show? This is gonna be AWESOME!

1st Sketch: It’s A Date (show): OOOOHHHH ANDY SAMBERG AND JT ARE BACK!!!! They both are bachelors #2 (duos) — singing the answer to every in a very “dick-in-the-box”- “three way” — like manner. HAHA.
Watch here!

2nd Sketch: Veganville: !!!!!!!! IT LOOKS LIKE IT’S GONNA BE ANOTHER “HOMELESSVILLE”-”OMLETTEVILLE” etc. skit. MY FAVORITE. This time, it’s VEGANVILLE with JT dressed in a tofu costume. He’s up against Sausage Depot. JT busts out hilarious covers of Freak-out!, Ice-Ice-Baby, We Found Love (in a meatless place hahaha), and many more songs using clever meatless and vegan phrases. HAHAHAHAHA he ends with a version of the Harlem Shake — DRINK A VEGAN SHAKE. Lots of laughs, these skits never disappoint.
Watch here!

Ad: Nuvabling: I have no idea what this was actually about, or what the joke is — did not really pay attention.

JT’s gonna sing now! Suit & Tie: I didn’t really like this song that much when I first heard it, but it’s really grown on me, and I LOVE IT. JT is lookin good, and he sounds great too! I spy: Lyle Beniga, dancing backup for JT. Woo. Justin really pulls off the clean style and crisp dance moves extremely well. OHH SHITT HOV IN THE HOUSE! with like a bajillion chains. But they are both lookin good. Aww, cuties. They definitely have a bromance thing goin on. I’m so excited to see them in concert this summer!!! :)

Weekend Update

3rd Sketch: The Tales of Sober Caligula:
Just a really weird skit.

4th Sketch: Maine Justice: Do they talk like that in Maine? LOLZ. I don’t think so. Hahaha I’m not quite sure what’s going on, but it’s funny. A crazy sketch, ended up being pretty hilarious. Really solid.

2nd performance: Mirrors!!!!!!!!!! Introduced by the Three Amigos. I really really really love this song. It’s my jam! SUCH A GREAT PERFORMANCE!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU JUSTIN!!!!!!!!! He’s such a cutie!!!!!!
*side comment by the roomies: Justin’s butt looked really cute in those pants
Watch here!

A “movie promo” for She’s Got a D*** featuring Justin Timberlake and “an adorable brunette” lulz

That’s the end… :( sad days.

Overall thoughts: AMAZING show! Really entertaining!

Best sketches: Veganville (the best, hands down), Maine Justice, It’s A Date
Performances: Both (Suit & Tie and Mirrors) — A++++++++++++
I love Justin Timberlake. A true entertainer.

Also, he’s going to be on Jimmy Fallon ALL NEXT WEEK! So tune in!



Tammy Gu
writing practice

24yo. SF. Just wanting to work on writing more, since I’ve never been very good at it