We Back!

Tammy Gu
writing practice
Published in
1 min readFeb 19, 2018

As Chance said: And we back, and we back, and we back, and we…

Excited to revisiting this place, and working on my writing! It’s on my resolution list this year to write more and practicing writing more.

In the meantime, the last thing I wrote on here was about LeBron leaving Miami to go back to Cleveland. A lot has happened on that front with the Miami Heat team since then, and more recently, Dwyane Wade leaving 2 years ago to go to Chicago and then Cleveland — this was devastating, but understandably, maybe the right thing to do for both parties at the time. Anyway, this past trade deadline, DWYANE WADE WAS TRADED BACK TO THE MIAMI HEAT, and I was basically just holding in tears of joy the whole day at work. 😭 Now, I just need to figure out a time to go to Miami to see my man DWade in person, playing for the Heat, in AA Arena! LET’S GO HEAT!

I’ve got some ideas for posts that should be coming up soon!

Woooooo! WE BACK BABY!!!!!



Tammy Gu
writing practice

24yo. SF. Just wanting to work on writing more, since I’ve never been very good at it