Boss Life

Sam Dreyer
Writing the Ship
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2016

There will never be a point where people are satisfied. There’s nothing wrong with that, not being satisfied is a motivation to strive for greatness, but when it comes to actually money, sometimes that type of greed can come across as obnoxious. When it comes to primetime fighters, being obnoxious is just something they do.

Yes that is obnoxious. It doesn’t end there though, I mean Floyd Mayweather literally brings a bag filled with 1 million to 2 million dollars with him to every Lakers or Clippers game he goes to… What is he going to spend that type of money on at a Clipper game. I mean really…? It’s pretty funny. More power to him though because he earned all that money from rather unfortunate circumstances. Being obnoxious is the appeal for many people, Money Mayweather is his nickname for a reason, and being apart of the money team is due to his likeness. The important thing to note is that Money Mayweather, as an independent contractor, was able to start his own promotional company so that he could make significantly more money and not have to deal with any third parties. As a result, he is able to back up his big mouth talk with his incredible and always growing net worth, which is around 500 million dollars. He wants to be a billionaire and he’s lucky to be able to actually have the chance to be one. In other sports, like UFC, which is a counterpart to boxing, fighters are not allowed such a privilege.

The UFC, which is not to far behind in 2016 in terms of relevance and name brand power to boxing also implores numerous fighters who are applauded for their obnoxious and financially demanding manner. However, unlike in boxing, UFC can’t exactly back it up because they don’t have the same freedoms as boxers. The only promotional company that UFC fighters can interact with is the UFC itself, which means, the UFC reaps all the profits and is given full jurisdiction in everything… whether it’s salary take, flight time, or opponent, the UFC allows for only itself to be the boss. More like bully. As a result, fighters can’t back up their big mouth talk.

Speaking of fighters with big mouths Conor Mcgregor always seems to bring up that he is the richest UFC fighter, but even he feels this is not enough. This past October, he stated that he would not fight in the UFC again unless the owners came to him and offered a significant portion of the company’s ownership. In his mind he deserves it because whatever the UFC is today is because of him and his fighting ability. It seems as if Conor has had enough of taking the back seats to corporate suits who sit in the front row and smile while taking all the dough at the same time.

It seems like the two worlds of boxing and UFC will soon collide as Mcgregor, as recently as this week, got his boxing license in California. Naturally there were numerous reports of a fight between the two loud mouths, Floyd Mayweather and Conor Mcgregor. Naturally, Mcgregor has said he will do the fight with Mayweather unless he is given 100 million dollars, which prompted Mayweather instagram a picture of 100 million dollar check he has still not cashed.

Mayweather seems to always get the last laugh and as he puts it, is blessed to be the biggest name in boxing and UFC.

What a boss.

