Why are Women So GODDAMN Angry?

Rahma Radwan
Writing the Ship
Published in
4 min readDec 8, 2021

I asked eight of my closest female friends why they were angry, these were their reasons.

  1. “I’m Angry Because my Value is External, No One Cares What’s Going On Inside”
    Women’s value is usually based on their looks. This has been the case for quite some time and while it has gotten better, it hasn’t completely gone away. For example, a man is more inclined to swipe right on a Tinder profile if the woman is beautiful, and no matter what he says, it’s probably not because of your personality. So maybe that’s why we’re angry. Our value is based on whether a man thinks we’re beautiful or not. To them, what is humor, intelligence, and kindness compared to a nice body and an even better smile?
  2. “I’m Angry Because No One Ever Asks Me What I’m Angry About”
    Rather than asking what makes us angry, we’re told to smile. We look better that way, right? Wrong. Instead of telling us to smile, ask us why we’re frowning in the first place. Ask us why we’re angry rather than trying to shape us into some mold that arouses you. Don’t ignore how we’re feeling.
  3. “I’m Angry Because Everyone’s First Question Is Where Am I On My Cycle”
    If a woman is angry, a man assumes it’s because it’s that time of month. Well, I hate to break it to those who skipped out on health class in Middle School, but women do not menstruate every day of the month. If we’re being rude, it most likely because of some mysognitic thing you said, or we’re just fucking mad that day. If you’re that curious about our menstrual cycle, download a menstrual tracker on your IPhone and stop asking us if we’re on our periods. I promise you, we’re not.
  4. “I’m Angry Because ‘He Didn’t Mean Anything’ By That Glance But That Doesn’t Mean I Don’t Feel Violated”
    While this may come as a surprise to some of you, your glances that last way too long don’t make us feel good. It creeps us out and makes us feel dirty. No, it’s not a compliment, it’s weird. If you really need to look at a woman for that long, I recommend going on a private browser and watching some R-Rated videos. We’re not your entertainment. It’s not a compliment. It does mean something. Stop being creepy, please.
  5. “I’m Angry Cause The Way Women are Supposed to Deal with Anger is Yoga and Candles but I Just Want to Punch Something”
    Not every woman likes to meditate. And to be honest, yoga doesn’t fix everything. Yes, there’s no denying a nice candle might relax us, but what sounds more appealing is throwing that candle across the room. While you might expect us to be this delicate flower you’ve made us out to be in your head, we’re not. Some of us want to punch something and not sit on a yoga mat imagining all the different ways to take out our anger. Better a punching bag than you, right?
  6. “I’m Angry because No Man Wants to be My Friend After they Find Out I Won’t Sleep with Them”
    We are GODDAMN HUMAN BEINGS. We are funny, we are kind, we are powerful, we are everything we want to be. So excuse us if we don’t find your axe cologne and crusty van socks to be sexually arrousing. Unlike some people, we do not want to sleep with everyone we see. If you are only friends with us in hopes of getting in our bed, please do yourself a favor and invest in a playboy subscription. It’s not happening now, or ever. If you don’t want to be our friend as a result, good riddance. And no, Wolf of Wall Street isn’t a good movie. It’s a terrible, fucking movie.
  7. “I’m Angry because I feel like I have to be Twice as Nice as Men are in a Leadership Position”
    Why is it that when men give orders as CEOs they’re powerful but when women do it, they’re bitches? Women have to work twice as hard to get any position and once they finally get the position they have to filter themselves in order to ensure you don’t feel emasculated. Well, screw that. If you feel you’re being emasculated after receiving one order, there’s a deeper issue there and I promise it’s not us. We’re not being mean, we’re not being bitches, we’re simply doing our job. And, if you’re the type of man who only listens to their mommy, imagine us as your mom the next time we tell you to get a report in on time. I’m sure Freud would approve.
  8. “I’m Angry because I Can’t Enjoy a Damn Thing Without Worrying a Man is Going to Hurt Me”
    When we say no, we’re prude bitches and risk the chance of being murdered. When we say yes, we’re whores and still risk the chance of being murdered. We can’t go out and enjoy a drink because we might get roofied. We can’t go to the gym because we get stares that make us feel like we’re naked and on display. We can’t walk alone in parking garages because we might get kidnapped. We can’t walk down a street because we get catcalled. We can’t even do our jobs without being called a bitch. We literally cannot do anything without worrying about a man hurting us whether that be emotionally or physically. From a young age, we are told to change the way we behave in order to accommodate YOU. In order to ensure we are not hurt by YOU and we live this way until the day we die.

So yes, women are angry. But have you ever stopped to think, maybe women are so GODDAMN angry because of YOU?

