Am I it

writing thinking saying
6 min readJul 25, 2018

Am I being it. Being right now. Am I it. I am it. Am I it. I am writing. Am I writing now. Right now. Am I it right now. Is it it. Being it. Is it it. Being it. Is it being it. Is it it. Being. it. Is it. Is it. Is it is. Being it. And now. Right now. Am I it. Am I being it right now. Is there any. Writing. Being. it. And breathing. And is. And it. Is there. Any being it right now.

Am I writing and it. Am I writing and it is it. Being any being of it. Being any of it now right now and when. When it is. Is it then when it is. Is it being. Is it. And then and when. Now and again. Now and again. And yes. And no. And I told you so.

It is there and it is gone. It is there and it is gone. Is it gone. Is it. Is it there and gone and is it being there and gone and is it being any being. Is it being being now right now and when and then and now and how and writing and breathing and being it and being.

Is it I am. Am I and I am. And am I. And I am. And am I. And how. And where am I. I am. Am I. And being. I am. Being and I am. Being and am I being now right now. Is it now right now and being. It. Is it you for a moment. Is it you. It is you for a moment and you. I am. Being and you are. I am you are. And when and now and then and how.

And is it writing. Am I writing. Are you. Is it you being it and writing and reading and being and breathing and it. Where is it. And how. And when and now right now it’s it. It is. it. You are it. Are you it. Are you it and you are it and going and being and going to be being and being it and going and where and there and how. And what is it after all.

What is it and between us. You are there. I am here and there and you and in between us there is it and being it and writing and believing when it’s Tuesday, for example. There is it and it is it and being it and Tuesday and between us. Is there any thing between us and being. Being it and being there and how and being. Being now and there. And here. And where and how and being and breathing and writing and you and there is nothing that is reading until Wednesday.

If it’s Wednesday there is reading. It’s a rhythm to be seen. There is any being not to be in you or me. And I. There is nothing that is being in me either and you and I. There is nothing that is being. Is it being. It is being not inside but being and it’s there but it is going. Where. And how and breathing and writing and reading and being and it. And you and I. And me. And you. All of you. You. You. All of you. There is you and there are you and me and I and in-between there is what is there and is it being. Being isn’t in you. In you only is you are you. Me and I and when and where and going over there and in between but not there inside until it’s gone from there.

There is pulling something through. There is putting something there. Anywhere it’s there to be. Is it being there to be and is it being it to being. Is it being. Is it there. Is there any ever any being any being there and there that’s there to be being there and being. Being it and being. And am I. I am you and me and you again is three. And more. And the in-between. Is it being there between us. Is it us to be there in between us. Is it there and being. Being it and there. Being.

Is there anything to being. Being anything to being. Is there anything to be being. Is there anything to being. Being anything to being anything. And what. Is there any poetry without it. What. Is there any prose without it going somewhere. When and how and now right now and when and how and where and is. Was it ever there and were they in between. In the in-between. Is there any. Is there there. There is it. Is it. Is it any of it there. Is there any there there. Ever there and now and how. And when. And breathing is again. When it is again. Is breathing then again. Is it writing then. When it’s breathing it again.

Is it breathing it. Is it breathing. Is it it. And breathing. And being it besides. Is it it being breathing it. Is it it breathing being it. Being being breathing. Breathing breathing. Is there any breathing breathing. Is there any breath for it. Is it me or it and is it breathing and are you now. You are right now. Are you breathing and right now are you being it and breathing it and breathing and right now are it and it and now and you and me and it and I and all of you besides.

Are you speaking. Am I. Speaking. Any saying is it saying. Is there saying any saying and say speaking and say writing and say reading and say is there any meaning inside anybody now right now. Isn’t there no meaning inside anyone right now? Isn’t there no being inside anyone right now? Isn’t there. Is not there. Is there not any being meaning inside anyone right now. Is there any inside any thing inside. Is there any inside inside now right now that’s now and meaning it right now. Is there. Is it there. Is it there in there inside of there. Is it there. Is it meaning. Is it being. Is it there in there inside of there right now and being. Being it right now. And how. In you and me and I and it and all of you and us and them right now and there and in the in between and when. And how.

All of it. Is there any of it. All of it. Is there any of it left. And gone. And going anywhere at all. Is there any of it left at all and any of it going anywhere at all and is there at all inside at all. Or is it in the ears and eyes of anybody making it be anything at all. Let’s say meaning it at all. Is it meaning it all. Is it all of it the meaning of it all of it right now anywhere besides it going anywhere being anywhere inside and any of it in between and let’s pretend that there’s an outside for it too. In the ears and in the eyes and outside of them too. If there is an outside of them too. If there isn’t any outside of them too then naturally there is no inside of them too and so what then do you do and me and I and you. That’s all of you and them and us and all that’s in-between. If there is anything at all. What then is it writing breathing reading being it and it being anything at all and being now and right away right now and gone and going not at all and soon quite soon they say. Is there any saying. And then when and soon quite soon and then and how. And going.



writing thinking saying

An experimental writer. PhD. Novels: Monkey & Anderson (Pedlar Press). Oblique Journal: The Hinge of Things. I also make music and photos.