August 21, 2022
Earth mystery
from the table scraps
same song sung today
the first ring of summer going going gone
overture overturn overnight
a new and different feeling
and the cross stitch era coming to a close
while glass prices continue to go up
everything is going one way or another
and the sound of it is clear
even the muddy murky bits of it.
He cleared that up
good enough to see and hear it
new and slightly different
the air is too
and the temperature they said that it was high
but it is not the way it feels out
hear and listen to the radio
the highway
i can see a sky is for gamblers as well
even he is getting older now
and losing weight like they tend to do.
Open a Christmas light surprise
okay for you to choose
a new smell as well
careful and not careful but excited
is attracting you enough
beyond the thought of what is write or read about it
Christmas cream puff
solid air
to tear a piece of it
about the love of a voice singing after all
and an instrumental instrument
you choose to prefer
this is doing something
pyschonaut psychedelic
even song is wrong sometimes in the wrong mouth
of course there is love to know
and they forget you too sometimes
if you do not work on it at it
okay to be the way you are
and grateful for it
someone who is good enough to known enough to care
and be there for them that needs you
when they do
and pay attention to the fact of it
like with the one who taught you just by being that
that way.
And read a light
a line
a little before and after
and remember to forget about it
and let it take you with it
not as if a ghost of it
with a deep voice
was barking after all
just as long as we are saying it’s okay
then hear this for a second
there is still some learning to be doing
how is everything out there
before the deluge
the voice on the phone comes out
comes through the line
a body there in front of you
with a peculiar face
that doesn’t know itself
and that’s it’s strength alright.