Monday Feb 19 2024

writing thinking saying
1 min readFeb 19, 2024

What is it? Why am I doing this? For who?

Is the world an it? Is the world a them? Them and it.

Both are making it be that. Both are objects. Both are subjects.

I am thinking here about it and them. The two of them. And is there any more of them?

There is always more. There can be more. When we want it to be more. Someone does. Someone often does. Someone and a group of them want it to be more. Someone and a group are being it or not. As they like. To say it or to not. To know it or to not.

That is interesting.

To know you are it or to not. And yet be it. To be it when you do not know it. What is that?

Can you be it and not know it? Yes apparently you can. And yes, apparently you can’t.

If everybody in the room next to you knows you to be blue but you do not know yourself to be blue are you blue or not? Yes, you are blue and you do not know it or you do. No, you’re not blue and you know it or you don’t.

What you know about you and you are. What you do not know about you and you are. What you know about you and you’re not. What you do not know about you and you’re not. And them. And someone in particular.



writing thinking saying

An experimental writer. PhD. Novels: Monkey & Anderson (Pedlar Press). Oblique Journal: The Hinge of Things. I also make music and photos.