Reading Heaven

writing thinking saying
3 min readJun 5, 2024

This is the beginning of a reading of “The I Ching or Book of Changes” — the Richard Wilhelm version, translated from German into English by Cary F. Baynes — with forwards by Carl Jung and Hellmut Wilhelm and an introduction by Richard Wilhelm.

this then is a reading of readings. As if it could ever be otherwise.

what is a reading? That is a book in itself. To be read and likely not.
here, a reading is extemporaneous, reflective, suggestive and continual. What is interesting is what it is that comes of it — rather than a definitive determination of it.

What is a reading here? Iam taking notes.

This then will not have been an explanation.

What is the difference between a reading and a saying — an essaying?

What is the relationship between reading and writing, saying and essaying? and explanation? and exposition?

Let those all be questions that hang over this. Something like a trial. Or something like an experiment. Something like a weighing in on something. Tentatively, exploitatively, and — perhaps—creatively.

This is not defiinite or singular or needing to say more.
It is a breathing exercise.

Hexagram 1. Ch’ien / The Creative … Heaven above; Heaven below … Six unbroken lines

the primal power - power born unto itself.

the first power is the concept of it (power) - notion dream belief idea.

the second power is its application as a quality of character. The power ‘of’ something - someone - somewhere.

the third power is its expression.

the fourth power is the effect - affect- of its application. The result of its expression.

can power really be expressed. Power or energy.

the 1st power comes from spirit (breath). Its essence is energy.

power - spirit - energy. Unrestricted by conditions that are fixed in space- is motion. Time is the basis of ‘this’ motion. Its image is heaven - the sky - boundless space.

air - climate- atmosphere - the clear blue medium of all of it - circulating.

the power of time. The power of duration.

the first expression of power as control - containment - disablement and destruction and recreation - rebirth - is naming.

all power that is power ‘of’ is not power itself.

where there is no air - no atmosphere - there is no human life - energy — power - spirit - breath - breathing.

space is not nothing.

power ‘of’ persisting in time - persisting in motion. Persisting in motion - the time of you.

power as action upon the universe (creation) & the human world (expression of creation).

the universe is not the human world.

the creative is essentially power.

power is creativity’s essence.

the creative is essentially power. Power is creativity’s essence. Essence is fuel - resources- burning the star.

the action of Power on the universe is the creation (strong) of (a) (the) deity (author/composer/artist/producer/parent).

the action of Power on the human world is the (holy, sage) creation of certain ones (leaders, teachers) which awaken and develop ‘higher’ nature (Nature of Heaven).

Nature not as essence. Nature as creative power.

Nature not as law. Nature as (to be) born.

Nature not as established order. Nature as inborn mind - character (quality) - instinct - or reality. Nature as nakedness.

Furthering. Rather than favorable. Furthering is motion(ing) forward. Keep (it) moving (it).

Sublime success. Furthering ‘through’ perseverance. To persevere in what is right.

why am i against myself?



writing thinking saying

An experimental writer. PhD. Novels: Monkey & Anderson (Pedlar Press). Oblique Journal: The Hinge of Things. I also make music and photos.