A Glimmer Of Hope

Felix Irkinas
Writing Together
Published in
2 min readJul 30, 2018
Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

The young Vaquita had been blissfully swimming and exploring its surroundings. Curiosity had gotten the best of its attention. Realizing the rest of the family was far away, the young porpoise started to panic. It started swimming after the group with purpose.

The fishing boat was on a direct course for the young Vaquita. The boom was out and the net was cast. As the youngster swam away, the boat just kept getting closer. The net was scooping up everything in its path. Fatigue was setting in for the little porpoise. It didn’t look good for the youngster!

Photo by Hanson Lu on Unsplash

Out of nowhere, a pod of Blue Whales surfaced between the fishing boat and the Vaquita. The whales caused the fishing boat to veer left, causing the boom to snap and the net to fail. The boat was disabled. The young Vaquita wasted no time and with renewed vigor swam toward its family. A very valuable lesson was learned by the young creature.

A Little Background:

The Vaquita is the most endangered species in the world right now. There are less than 30 left alive on planet Earth. Basically, they are collateral damage from illegal fishing and poaching of the Totoaba, another endangered species being caught in gill nets. The Totoaba is in demand for its swim bladder, which is very expensive on the black market — making it a very lucrative commodity. The innocent Vaquita is being swept up in the gill nets, drowned and discarded. It will probably be extinct by the end of this year. People have worked hard to try and save the Vaquita. It is just too hard to be everywhere and do the right thing while evil individuals disregard the treasures of planet Earth. Thank you for reading.

Photo by Talia Cohen on Unsplash

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Felix Irkinas
Writing Together

Renegade Soul In Search of Harmony, Vegan Gardener, Guitar Player, Aspiring Musician, Troubleshooting Tinkerer and Student of Life!!!