Banta Yari

Response to Written Promptly Together — August 2018

Samira Shrivastav
Writing Together


(Photo credit: Free-Photos on Pixabay)

Where the air is high
and the sand is low
and the day is long
(but never slow)
there lives a creature
they call Banta Yari.

Deep in her cave
away from all
she hides her fangs
and massive claws.
She howls at night
like a woman’s cry
and those nearby
are gripped with fright.

Though days are bright
night comes full dark.
The village hushed
when work is done
and babies sleep
while families gather as one.

A single light
too small to see
growing, growing so fast
where babies sleep.
A woman’s scream!
The babies trapped
their nursery hut
consumed with heat.

Banta Yari runs
she hears them cry
she has no fear
for this cruel fire.
She gathers…



Samira Shrivastav
Writing Together

Writer, blogger, cake baker and tea drinker. Sometimes I eat the cake, too.