I’m Working on My Own Agenda

Felix Irkinas
Writing Together
Published in
3 min readJul 19, 2018
Photo by Mahir Uysal on Unsplash

Whenever the word “agenda” is used in a sentence, there is a tendency to think of “sinister” in relation to it. My agenda is nothing like that. As a matter of fact, my agenda is a just a proposed plan about how life on Earth should be.

Politicians are most famous for their “agendas,” which are just a bunch of campaign promises that they roll out when it is time to fool everyone into re-electing those charlatans. It is really quite disingenuous and insulting to hard-working citizens.

My agenda supports the notion that people are human beings and should be treated accordingly. Wake up every day and try to treat everyone as you would have them treat you. You may have heard that before. It is not such a strange concept. Try it as often as you can and see how you feel. You may be surprised!

Next, you want to take care of all the endangered species on the planet. Most of the endangered species are in peril due to the folly of humans! Greed and vanity are the main causes for the literal road to extinction for the treasures of nature! If all the animals are hunted and slaughtered for the satisfaction of a few misguided individuals, it will make the world a lonely and empty place.

It won’t be long after the extinction of animals that the human race will follow, because all species have a purpose on planet Earth. Pissing off Mother Nature will bring her wrath onto the puny Human Race! Leave the elephants and rhinos alone!

Photo by AJ Robbie on Unsplash

Taking care of good old planet Earth would be the next logical step in my agenda! Work the land, plant a garden, grow some food, and recycle some organic waste. Live a simple, happy life where you make things and take care of things.

Hopefully, I may have inspired someone to reflect on where they have been and where they want to go, and it will make things better from now on. Take your time! We all have a long way to go. Make each step count!!!

What is on your agenda?

“Country road leads through a path of lush grassy fields” by George Hiles on Unsplash

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Felix Irkinas
Writing Together

Renegade Soul In Search of Harmony, Vegan Gardener, Guitar Player, Aspiring Musician, Troubleshooting Tinkerer and Student of Life!!!