Me, and My Shadow…

Scared of my Shadow?

Robin Klammer
Writing Together
2 min readJul 30, 2018


‘Photo by Jaanus Jagomägi on Unsplash

Back in my early 20’s, I worked at an office building as a “Security Guard”. I use this word wholly tongue in cheek. It was a low profile job, mostly boring, especially the night shifts.

It also depended on who you were working with, of course. There were times that it didn’t feel like work and time went by quickly. Then other times, it felt like time was my enemy.

Many a time, while doing my rounds in the building, I would actually jump at my own reflection or shadow! I kid you not… not exactly your idea of security, is it?

While checking the perimeter, in the wee hours, I would whistle to distract myself. I wasn’t sure which was worse — being in the underground parking lot by myself, or outside. Each had their drawbacks.

I’m 5'3," and about 105 -110 lbs, so I’m not quite sure what I would have done if confronted by someone much bigger and stronger than I am. Especially if he were angry and acting irrationally. Heck, even some women are scary too!

I would like to think I could keep it together under duress if the need arose. I have been in some scary situations before, so perhaps I could keep calm? I don’t know a hundred percent, and I hope I won’t have to find out, either.

Plus, I don’t think $7.00/hr is worth being a hero for…but maybe that’s just me. It would really depend on the situation, I suppose. Plus the training a joke.

I’ll chalk it up to one of those jobs that you do when they’re aren’t a lot of options. I did learn one thing though… that I never want to work in that capacity again. Not if I can help it.

The office politics were a whole other ball game. Toward the end of my time there, I couldn’t wait to leave. There were cliques everywhere. I thought I was done with that B.S. Seriously. I guess for some, it doesn’t matter how old you are… the mentality stays the same for some.

Thanks, but you can take your job and…. (lol) fill in the blanks if you wish!!

Life is too short.

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Robin Klammer
Writing Together

Searching for my True North, Strong & Free... ehhhh?! Garden of Neuro sister & Queen of Snark! 👑