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Today I Am a Fighter

I found strength in failures. I was born to be a fighter for my own life.

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3 min readJul 14, 2018


Growing up Asian, I thanked God my parents did not force me to be something I was not. I was never told to be a doctor or a pharmacist or even an engineer. I was told to be anything I wanted to be.

As long as I went to a university to get a degree. Isn’t it ironic?

Look, I am not here to break the Asian stereotype, I’m here to tell you something else. Something important that you need to know before you get defeated by life itself.

Let me draw out a brief summary of how my university days went. It took me 4 years of studying, 3 failed modules, 2 failed relationships and 1 failed friendship to get me where I am today. Of course there is more to it, but it didn’t hurt me as much as those 4 things did.

Everything that happened on the first day I stepped into the university did not go as planned. My struggles and pain were already draining me out. My failures were a defeat to my life. Nothing seemed to be right.

Back then, I used to wonder why my university days felt harder than everyone else’s. I had no clue why I had to go through such struggles when everyone around me was just enjoying each day that went by. I never knew my emotions would’ve affected me in every way.

Today, every pain and obstacle has made me who I am. I became stronger. I changed and so did my mindset. I saw growth and potential in me.

That’s when I knew I was born a fighter.

I’ve learned so much from every failure, every pain and every struggle that came in my way. I saw life differently. An image from a different perspective. A bigger picture of what life was really about.

Thus, I have made a promise to myself that I will continue to fight my way to reach for my goals and dream.

So to every young readers out there, failures and pains will only make you stronger if you see it from a different perspective. If I can be a fighter of my own life at the age of 21, you can do it too.

To those who are having life tougher than I did, I respect your strength as you continuously find the fighter in you.

We all need to find the other version of us. The fighter in us.

Here’s the thing, there will be times when the fighter is defeated. Take a break and allow the fighter in you to rebuild its strength. That’s when you get up and fight again. Fight until you have win over life.

Once you do, you’ll have the control of life and if anything that comes in your way you shouldn’t be afraid of anything else.

Everyone is a fighter. You just need to bring out and acknowledge its potential. You are stronger than you think. You’ve got this!

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Writing Together

A student who loves to write on her thoughts and views of how she sees life from her perspective.