What If You Could Go Back in Time? What Would You Do?

Felix Irkinas
Writing Together
Published in
3 min readJul 4, 2018
Photo by Carl J on Unsplash

Let’s have a little fun with this. Since I am a Big Sci-Fi enthusiast, I wanted to delve into a little scenario which should stimulate the thought process.

Normally, I don’t really like the time Travel aspect of Sci-Fi because it just seems weird to me, (because Sci-Fi is so real, ha!) But, you can get many excellent stories from it!

So, I got an idea from a couple of areas to combine with my theme. First, was the Star Trek movie, “The Voyage Home” where the beloved Captain Kirk and Company have to go back in time to get some Humpback Whales from 1986 (no significance) and bring them to the future to talk to some aliens who are not happy that Humpback Whales are extinct in the 24th century.

It was a fairly entertaining film, but, if you could go back in time (and they used the old “slingshot around the sun” technique to travel back and forth in time, like all Starship Captains know to do!!!), wouldn’t you want to fix all that is wrong in the future by stopping bad things in the past?

Photo by Richard Gatley on Unsplash

The second part of my theme is the song by Ten Years After, “I’d love to Change The World, But I Don’t Know What To Do!” (Really dating myself here, because some people are probably saying WTF!) Sorry, I digress, a lot!

Anyway, an Ordinary person is given the opportunity to go back in time and fix things that went bad in the future. Now, you would have to pick out some event from the past that led humanity into this dismal tailspin we are all encountering. (This is why they call it “Science Fiction.”)

What would you do? Where and when do you go back to? “Why me?” you ask. How can you decide on what event was the catalyst to all our bad behavior? An Ordinary person tasked with an Extra-Ordinary assignment! What would you do?

You could go back to The Garden of Eden and stop the Serpent from tempting Eve, which caused Adam and Eve to get tossed out of paradise, and a whole lot of bad things to follow. No, that seems a little weird to me. Actually, that is too weird! Scratch the Garden of Eden.

You have to find a significant event that actually altered humankind. The Discovery of America, the discovery of gunpowder, the discovery of gold, the discovery of oil — no, these things would have happened anyway.

The prevention of something, like a War. Which War was the most devastating to the World? All Wars were pretty bad. If you go back in time, how could you prevent a War from happening? This is why Captain Kirk just went back to get some Whales. Much easier than stopping a War!

Maybe we can start to change the World today by stopping Wars now and starting to behave like Human Beings! We should live productive and peaceful lives!

Photo by Marco Luzi on Unsplash

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Felix Irkinas
Writing Together

Renegade Soul In Search of Harmony, Vegan Gardener, Guitar Player, Aspiring Musician, Troubleshooting Tinkerer and Student of Life!!!