Photo by John Schnobrich

What It’s Like to Start Your Own Publication

The story of Writing Together

Valerie Sizelove
Published in
5 min readJul 13, 2018


Running a publication on Medium is hard work!

I didn’t really think much about that in the beginning, not realizing how quickly the publication’s activity would pick up.

I was only a new Medium member at the end of my third month on the platform. I felt I had been remarkably successful in the beginning, then fell into a slump, before picking it all back up again after a short break.

That’s when the idea 💡 came to me:

Why don’t I start my own publication?

What was stopping me? While growing as a writer, creating a publication could help me continue networking and growing a larger audience — both for myself, and the writers who join me.

A few friends and family members of mine had recently begun writing on Medium too. They were still learning the ropes, but publishing some great stuff. I wanted to get their material more exposure. So, the publication was yet another way for me to help other writers.

One night, I just dived right into it.

I created my first Medium publication!

It wasn’t difficult at all. I created a unique email address, went through the setup process, designed a logo, and then *bam,* there was my publication!

There was much more work involved down the road of course. I had to promote the publication on social media sites (big thank you to The Tribe Builder’s Network and Medium Superheroes on Facebook). I needed to create sign-up forms and build a basic email list. I needed to find writers!

Finally, the stories began rolling in, and I remembered something:

I love editing.

Often, people have great thoughts, stories, and explanations they want to publish, but their pieces just need a little polishing and feedback. Part of my goal with this publication is to help writers who submit stories that may need a little grammar/spelling/formatting work. I usually find the heart of their work and help them bring that out before we publish their story. It feels nice to help people gain more readers as they learn to connect to their audience better through their writing. Often, they just need to do a little more editing work. My hope is that through submitting and editing with my publication, some of our writers will gain some editing and writing skills.

I am making friends!

Starting a publication is helping me network even more, and I’m gaining some writing “buddies” out of the deal. In the beginning, Christine Graves reached out to me with an idea of a writing prompt installment. I loved the idea, and gave her the OK. That is how we ended up with Written Promptly Together, a section that will regularly offer fun writing prompts — either to use when submitting to our publication, or for anything else. This is going to be a valuable addition to the publication, because we will be offering inspiration for writers to get submitting, especially those who are in a writing slump. It’s also a great project for Christine, as I’m letting her run the section!

My publication will be associated with my name. That will help me stand out online so that I can build a solid presence. I still don’t know what my end goal is, but right now I say, who cares?

As long as my work doesn’t become stagnant and I continue to grow, I can keep working toward the unnamed goal.

There is already so much going on.

The publication is growing slowly, but steadily. In our third week we have 66 followers. That feels pretty good. The future looks good too. My own Medium profile, along with my publication Writing Together, are starting to pick up more and more followers organically. This means that I have stopped following the old Tom Kuegler method of following 125 members per day, in hopes that a majority of them will follow you back. Don’t get me wrong, this method helped me build a solid base in the beginning.

However, another writing comrade pointed out that it does not guarantee that your followers will engage with your content. Using this method, many of the followers you gain are just going through the motions, instead of reading your material and supporting your work. I decided it was time to be done with it. Like I said, there is already so much going on.

For whatever it’s worth, I’m four months in and have almost 1K followers. That is enough to make me happy with my work. I want to see how much it continues to grow organically.

As for the publication, there are continuously writers to add, stories to edit and publish, stories to promote, etc. It’s a steady cycle of work. I’m not making any money from running it, but it feels worthwhile.

I am working with other writers; we are creating something together.

The current, temporary goal is to keep this thing running. To keep the stories coming, keep communication going, and keep building a following. Networking and sharing, along with learning how to curate good content, are all key parts of the process.

What the future holds

Who knows?

But it’s looking good. Such a project is bound to grow and flourish, especially with all of the great people becoming involved. This is the first thing in a long time that I have completely dedicated myself to. Any moments that give me a chance, I use to catch up on my publication’s work. Watching this baby grow is only going to solidify my confidence as a writer and an editor.

Please join me in my journey as the brand spankin’ new owner of a Medium publication. Writing Together is a publication meant to bring writers from all backgrounds together. We publish many kinds of pieces, relating to writing, life advice, fiction, and more. Check out the submission guidelines here:

Connect with us and share our content!

You can find Writing Together on Twitter and Facebook. For writers, we also have a private Facebook group — check it out! Help me keep this baby growing! As always, thank you for everyone’s support and encouragement in this journey! I look forward to the future with you!



Valerie Sizelove
Writing Together

Early 30’s, mentally complex, twisted and honest, reflecting and growing, catching and sharing gems with all my kindred. Soul connection addict. Shapeshifter.