Written Promptly Together

Spring 2019 Edition

Valerie Sizelove
Writing Together
3 min readMar 5, 2019


Image by jill111 on Pixabay

It’s coming…the weather keeps fluctuating in a last attempt to drag us down but — it’s definitely coming…someday soon…I hope!

Springtime, guys!

The time of sunlight, water, growth, baby animals and birds chirping. The time to clear away the past and start fresh. Spring cleaning, anyone?

The end of winter always sort of drags through this month of March, teasing us with sunny days and then shattering our dreams with freezing air and snow again.

The temperature can rise 20 degrees within a day, allowing us to frolic in sweatshirts, before blasting back down 20 degrees the next day. Do I need say it’s a bit miserable readjusting?

Well, let’s power through.

Let’s spend March writing about all things Spring, with hope that the writing can help distract us from the crappy weather while connecting our souls with the feelings of growth and rebirth.

This month, we’re asking for submissions on growth, rebirth, spring, gardening, and whatever it is that represents springtime.

Respond to one of our writing prompts below (or use your own), tag your story with #prompt, submit to Writing Together, and let’s get our Spring content going.

Image by MabelAmber on Pixabay

Written Promptly Together March 2019 Prompts

  • Bedtime Stories
    ~~~Something for the little ones~~~
    Create an epic bedtime story based on a made-up springtime character (i.e. Jack Frost for winter).
  • Living The Fantasy
    ~~~Create a world around these imaginary creatures~~~
    Elsa Maven — An old woman with a tough personality and a green thumb
  • The Horror Flick
    ~~~We’ll give you three items, you give us the gory details~~~
    Rake, Bag of Compost, Garden Gnome
  • Romantic Interludes
    ~~~Proof that love conquers all~~~
    A scientist discovers a new species of plant, but must navigate tricky waters with her lover, who was there when she discovered it.
  • Who Dunnit?
    ~~~We’ll give you the crime and the suspects,
    you give us the rest of the story~~~
    THE CRIME: Madge’s seedlings keep being torn from her garden bed
    THE SUSPECTS: Libra, the cool neighborhood cat, the elusive deer out at night, college students passing by her house on the sidewalk
  • N.A.V.A.
    ~~~Noun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb~~~
    N: Growth
    A: Magical
    V: Migrate
    A: Strongly
  • Titles
    ~~~Where can you take this title?~~~
    The Springtime Blues in Archer County
  • Historical Insights
    ~~~Bringing the past back to life~~~
    Describe ancient and historic rituals and beliefs surrounding springtime.
  • The Writing Life
    ~~~Tips and techniques that help us on our journey~~~
    How to improve your understanding of punctuation
  • In My Opinion
    ~~~Tell us what you really think about…~~~
    Spring Cleaning
Image by MabelAmber on Pixabay

These prompts are yours to use at your discretion.

We’d love a shoutout to Writing Together at the end of your story (no pressure), but there is no requirement for use of these prompts. They can be used as pure inspiration for stories you write elsewhere.

But we’d sure love to see your submissions. Don’t forget to tag your post with #prompt so that we know you are submitting for the Written Promptly Together section of the site.

If you’d like to be added as a writer to Writing Together, please send an email with your medium username to writingtogetherpub@gmail.com.



Valerie Sizelove
Writing Together

Early 30’s, mentally complex, twisted and honest, reflecting and growing, catching and sharing gems with all my kindred. Soul connection addict. Shapeshifter.