
Writing Words with Words
1 min readJan 26, 2014

Big wall in the way. Bulky, clunky words to fill the space. Write write. Blind fingers play. Muted strip tease, all lined up to stay. My printed prose are dolls wrapped plastic. Dance dance on the stage. Naked nude wanderings in a stupor beg. Big wall in the way. Polar bear footprints on sheet of white.

Fancy speak for: type type type.

No room for thought. Time to clean. Take the broom take the mop, such webs are obscene. Sweep sweep the corners. The muse is sleeping. With rhyme you string to keep the water creeping, constrict and strangle just like so — a meaning is meaningless without the mean bow.

Don’t stop, hold it high. let the drink rise and rise. Spill that glass on the pristine floors.

Fancy speak for saying: more



