Grow Your Writing Skills by Shakespeare 5 Writing Lessons

We all know Shakespeare as the greatest playwright and most famous author in the world of literature. Even 400 years later, you can learn amazing lessons from his craft.

Sabina Writes
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2023


People also remember William Shakespeare as the Bard of Avon, or the greatest bard who ever lived. Shakespeare was the most beloved writer in English literature. He wrote 35 plays, 150 sonnets, and many long poems.

Most of the common phrases are by Shakespeare. Still, people have not forgotten him, directors make movies based on his plays, and you can use his quotes in your life.

The brilliant work of Shakespeare can teach you amazing writing lessons:

These 5 amazing writing lessons are:

Write Great Stories

The most important parts of a story are its plot, dialogue, and settings, and thrillers are an extra element. A good story connects people together. Shakespeare was the greatest storyteller the world has ever known. He wrote about people and situations that people related to their lives. Even his stories were full of honest sentiment. Shakespeare's stories have great plots and brilliant endings. The filmmakers still take examples from famous characters like Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet. Keep his stories in mind while you write a story.

Write Memorable Characters

Complicated and uncomfortable characters are a gift from Shakespeare to the literary world. His plays have the most amazing characters in all the literature, such as Romeo, Hamlet, and other heroes. Those characters look real because they have flaws and incredible qualities as well, which people can feel and resonate with.

Be Original in your writing style

Nowadays, it's very easy to copy someone else's writing and present it as your own. Be original in your writing, don't copy if you really want to become a great writer. Don't fear using new expressions and phrases. You can use common phrases used by Shakespeare. Most of the common phrases, idioms, and expressions we still use in our daily lives. Even after four centuries, these are original and unique.

Bring Variety to Your Writing

Exploring your creativity through different forms of writing makes you a better writer. Shakespeare was a talented and versatile artist. His work did not limit him to one category, and people loved his stories in different genres. He has written the best comedies and thought-provoking tragic stories. His poems related to all aspects of life.

Write with Emotions

It's important to write stories with emotions. Stories with real emotions will be famous in any era. He wrote stories with different ranges of emotions, such as love, hatred, jealousy, sadness, and despair. He wrote about these feelings in a lovely and elegant way.

Thanks for reading.



Sabina Writes

Blogger/Write about writing tips, and mental health issues.