5 Simple Ways to Supercharge Your Idea Generation

Proven Techniques for Effortless Brainstorming

Meghan West
Published in
7 min readSep 26, 2023


Photo by Patrick Perkins on Unsplash

Coming up with ideas to write about can be a daunting task, especially for those who are struggling to find inspiration. Let’s change this mindset now and think of brainstorming in a new light. Generating new ideas doesn’t have to be complicated or time-consuming. With a few simple strategies, you can unlock your creative potential and brainstorm a plethora of ideas to store and use at will.

Life is trying things to see if they work — Ray Bradbury

Be Observant in the World Around You

The world is full of ideas all on its own! All you have to do is slow down, be quiet, and listen.

Consider nature. The birds and the trees, the flowers and the stars — they’re all whispering stories. Poets have been inspired by nature for centuries.

Listen to conversations. Even a snippet of dialogue can spark a new idea. Pay attention to the people around you, and you’ll be amazed at how much inspiration they have to offer.

Go sightseeing. Museums, landmarks, cafes, even bookstores — they all have something to tell us. When you’re open to it, inspiration can strike anywhere.

Recently, I took my kids to the zoo and saw the most beautiful pink flowers. I don’t even know the name of them, but I snapped a photo anyway. Later that day, the photo inspired a few lines in a poem I’m working on.

Keep your eyes and ears open. The world is full of ideas, waiting to be discovered.

Photo By Author — Meghan West

Watch Movies, TV Series, and the News

Here’s the perfect excuse to be a couch potato! Jk, but seriously, believe it or not, watching television can be a great way to generate new ideas for writing.

Of course, there’s nothing wrong with being a couch potato (for a few hours out of the day), but I’m not talking about mindlessly watching reality TV. Instead, pay attention to the shows you watch and see what inspires you. It could be a character, a plot point, or even just a single line of dialogue.

For example, Stephen King once said that he got the idea for one of his stories from an actual event that happened in the news. He said the story was so outlandish that he was compelled to write something about it.

The best stories are often born from unexpected and bizarre places. So don’t be afraid to look for inspiration in the most unlikely of places, even if it’s just your TV screen.

Here are a few tips for getting inspired by television:

  • Pay attention to the shows you watch. What are the things that you like and dislike about them? What characters or plot points do you find most interesting?
  • Think about how you could adapt what you’re watching to your own writing. For example, if you’re watching a crime drama, you could write a story about a detective solving a case. Or, if you’re watching a sitcom, you could write a story about a group of friends dealing with everyday challenges.
  • Don’t be afraid to mix and match genres. For example, you could write a science fiction story with a romantic subplot, or a fantasy story with comedic elements.
  • The most important thing is to have fun! There are no rules when it comes to writing, so don’t be afraid to experiment.

If you’re watching in a non-fiction genre, real-life events can be used as the basis for stories, poems, essays, and more. Watch current events, both big and small, and start following trending topics. Try and think about how you could use them to explore different themes or ideas.

Read Widely

Reading is a powerful tool for idea generation. It can transport you to new worlds, introduce you to new characters, and expose you to new perspectives. And when you’re reading, you’re not just passively consuming information. You’re also actively engaging with the text, making your own inferences and connections.

This process of engagement can spark new ideas in all sorts of unexpected ways. For example, you might be reading a novel about a dystopian future, and suddenly you have an idea for a story about a group of rebels fighting against oppression. Or you might be reading a non-fiction book about psychology, and suddenly you have an idea for an article about the different ways that people cope with stress.

Another way to use reading to generate ideas is to read outside of your comfort zone. Try reading different genres, different styles, and different authors. This can help you to expand your horizons and give you new ideas to work with.

No matter what genre you write in, it’s important to read widely. This will expose you to a wide range of ideas and experiences, which will make you a more well-rounded and creative writer.

Use Social Media To Your Advantage

Sites like YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter — er, I mean, “X” and many more can inspire ideas for you. Just like watching television and reading books, social media can activate your brainstorming and inspire new ideas for your writing.

YouTube is a great platform for finding inspiration because it offers a wide variety of content on almost any topic imaginable. You can watch educational videos, documentaries, interviews, and even creative content like short stories and poems. As a viewer, you can pay attention to what topics interest you and what kinds of videos keep you engaged. Then, you can use this information to come up with ideas for your own writing.

Pinterest is another great platform for brainstorming because it is a visual platform. You can browse through thousands of pins on a variety of topics, including writing prompts, character development, and plot ideas. You can also create your own pinboards to save and organize your ideas.

Twitter (now called “X”) is a great platform for finding inspiration because it is a real-time platform. You can follow other writers, editors, and publishers to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and news in the writing world. You can also use Twitter to ask questions, get feedback, and connect with other writers.

No matter what social media platforms you use, be sure to be intentional about how you consume content. Pay attention to what you like and dislike, and use this information to fuel your creativity.

Stop Brainstorming

Sometimes, the best way to come up with new ideas is to stop trying to come up with new ideas.

When you’re feeling stuck, it can be helpful to take a break from thinking about writing altogether. Go for a walk, spend time with loved ones, or do something else that you enjoy. When you’re relaxed and not actively trying to think of ideas, your subconscious mind is more likely to come up with something creative.

Here are a few tips for letting your subconscious mind generate ideas for you:

  • Keep a notebook or journal with you at all times. This way, you can jot down any ideas that come to you, even if they seem silly or unrelated to your writing.
  • Take breaks throughout the day. Get up and move around, or do something else that you enjoy. This will help to clear your head and give your subconscious mind a chance to work.
  • Do other mindfulness exercises. This can help you to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, and to tap into your subconscious mind.

Remember, the best ideas often come when you’re not expecting them. So don’t force yourself to come up with ideas. Just relax, let your subconscious mind do its work, and be open to inspiration.

Following the tips above will not only help you generate more ideas but will also make you more efficient as a writer.

When you have a reservoir of ideas to draw from, you don’t have to start from scratch every time you want to write something. This can save you a lot of time and energy.

So next time you’re feeling stuck, don’t worry about being perfect. Just take a deep breath, let go of your expectations, and give yourself permission to experiment and have fun. The more you play around, the more likely you are to come up with something truly original.

I hope this article will be helpful to you—happy writing!

Author’s Note: If you’re writing exclusively on Medium and don’t want to bother with storing ideas, one way to build up a collection of ideas is to make drafts. You can choose a title and subtitle for your next post, and maybe even write a sentence or two. Then, just rinse and repeat. When you’re ready to sit down and write, go through all of your saved drafts and pick something to work on. This is a great way to overcome writer’s block and get started on your next project.

Before you head off…

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Meghan West

I'm someone's grandmother and I moonlight as a creative writer. At this point, I'm just writing what feels right.