A Deep Dive Into A Shallow Pond

Burgess and the others attempt to unravel the conundrum

Michael Holford
Published in
15 min readNov 16, 2022


Photo by Mick Haupt on Unsplash

Julie, Jim and both Bartholomew men were hovering around the computer monitor as Burgess again opened an encrypted document from earlier that day.

“Do either of you know anything about encryption?” he asked them both.

“I took a seminar,” Jack responded. “But I’m no expert by any means.”

Burgess scrolled down the pages of seemingly random letters and numbers.

“We do have code breakers at the Bureau,” Jack proposed.

“I don’t think we want the Bureau involved in this,” the elder Bartholomew counselled. “Too many unknown variables.”

“The Bureau is already involved because I’m involved,” Jack responded.

“You really shouldn’t equate yourself with the Bureau,” Jim interjected. “Too many people too easily identify with institutions when they don’t understand their hidden agendas.”

“And what is the Bureau’s hidden agenda? Everyone I work with is dedicated and single-minded in the pursuit of justice.”

“I don’t think it’s particularly prudent to involve the Bureau officially in this,” Jack’s father also added. “But I know someone who might be able to break this code. He is retired…

