Forgot Content Writing : 5 Micro Niche Make You Rich By Writing.

Vardhaman Bhandari
6 min readNov 17, 2023


A boy having lots of money
A boy having lots of money

Are you someone who loves writing and wants to make money with your skills? Have you tried content writing on freelancing platforms? Right now, I’m checking out different platforms and freelancer profiles. In this article, I’ll guide you on how to secure a well-paying writing job.


We all dream of turning our skills into a steady income stream. If you’re passionate about writing and eager to make a living from it, you’ve come to the right place. While creating a freelancing profile as a content writer is a positive move, I understand that landing well-paying jobs can be challenging. This article is tailored for you. Let’s explore essential tips and key points on how to leverage your writing skills to achieve a consistent and lucrative income.

The Problem

Lots of writers begin their freelancing journey on big platforms like Upwork, Fiverr , and many others, choosing “content writer” as their freelancing specialty. While that’s cool, there’s a hitch: many writers fail to understand what the market demands and the SEO side of freelancing.

Fiverr 27K+ content writing gigs

Check any of these platforms, and you’ll see a ton of freelancers all competition for “content writer” job. This creates a mega competition. Those who’ve already got some gigs and a good reputation are more likely to keep getting work, leaving others feeling down and thinking they won’t get a shot at writing jobs.

So, the real issue is that writers need to understand how freelancing markets work and how SEO can help them. Let’s look at some strategies for dealing with this challenge and making an identity for yourself in the highly competitive field of online freelancing.

Avoid the Niche Competition, Aim for Micro Niches

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash


A niche is a specialized segment of the market for a particular kind of product or service. It’s about finding a specific area where you can excel and cater to a distinct audience. For instance, “content writing” is a niche in freelancing, but it’s broad. Niche examples within content writing could be “tech writing,” “healthcare content,” or “business blogging.”


Now, take it a step further. A micro-niche is an even more focused and specialized subset within a niche. It’s like zooming in on a specific aspect. Using the previous example, if “tech writing” is your niche, a micro-niche could be “cloud computing technical documentation” or “mobile app development guides.” It’s about narrowing down to a very specific and often overlooked area, making you an expert in that particular field.

While a niche is your general area of expertise, a micro-niche is on a tiny, specialized corner within that expertise, allowing you to stand out and attract a highly targeted audience. It’s a strategy that helps you sidestep intense competition and allows you to craft a specialized profile tailored to target a specific type of buyer.

By using this micro niche target strategy i earn $300 in less than 20 minutes.

Passion-Driven vs. Purpose-Driven


Being passion-driven involves pursuing activities or goals that ignite a deep sense of enthusiasm and joy within you. It’s about engaging in things you genuinely love, whether it’s a hobby, a profession, or a creative endeavor. Passion is the fuel that propels you forward, making the journey enjoyable and fulfilling. When you’re passion-driven, the focus is on doing what you love and finding satisfaction in the process.


On the other hand, being purpose-driven is about aligning your actions with a greater sense of purpose or meaning. It involves understanding the impact of what you do on a broader scale, beyond personal enjoyment. Discovering your purpose often means connecting your skills and interests with a cause or goal that contributes positively to the world. Purpose-driven individuals find fulfillment not just in personal satisfaction but also in making a meaningful difference.

Balancing Both

While passion and purpose are distinct concepts, they often intersect. Whether you lean more towards passion or purpose, the key point is understand that writing is your passion or purpose. Take a moment to think about the topics that genuinely excite and inspire you.

rocks stack balancing
Photo by Colton Sturgeon on Unsplash

What subjects make you eager to express yourself through writing? Identifying your passion ensures that your writing journey is enjoyable and build you expertise in that topic.

Top 5 Micro Niche To Becomes Rich Writer

Now that you understand niche and micro-niche and have identified your purpose or passion, it’s time to 5 micro-niches that are in high demand and offer well-paying opportunities as writer.

1. Cloud Computing Writer

In today’s tech landscape, virtually every tech startup and SaaS company relies on cloud computing. Numerous cloud computing providers in the market actively seek technical writers with expertise in this field. As a beginner in cloud computing writing, you can expect to earn approximately $200-$500 per project. This compensation tends to increase as your proficiency in cloud computing grows.


  • High Demanded.
  • Large Earning Potential.
  • Less Competition.


  • Require strong foundational knowledge of cloud computing.
  • Continuous learning , dynamic nature of cloud technologies.

2. Affiliate Writer

On the internet, many websites make money through affiliate marketing. Selling a product online involves creating interesting content that subtly includes special links. This is where Affiliate Writers come in. Their job is to connect with readers and guide them to products through these links. It’s about sharing helpful information and making recommendations that benefit both the audience and the writer.


  • High Monetization Potential.
  • Performance-Driven Earnings.
  • Flexible Work Opportunities.


  • Dependency on external factors such as changes in affiliate program policies, market trends, and product availability.
  • Cookie lifespan limitations as Many affiliate programs use cookies to track referrals.

3. Newsletter Writer

Newsletter writer is responsible for creating content that goes into newsletters. These newsletters can be digital or print and are often used by businesses, organizations, or individuals to communicate with their audience. The writer’s goal is to produce content that captivates readers, keeps them informed, and encourages them to take desired actions.


  • Less Competition.
  • More Creativity.


  • Strong writing skills are fundamental.
  • Deadline management & strategic thinking.

4. Pitch Deck Writer

Pitch deck writer is in demand among various entities and individuals who are seeking to convey a business idea, secure funding, or attract partnerships. These types of writer mostly demanded by startups , business consultants and marketing agencies.


  • Stable income source.
  • Tailored content & Visual Appeal.


  • Depends on global economic conditions.
  • Expertise in argumentation.

5. Proofreading

Proofreading is a critical component of the writing process, involving a thorough examination of written material to identify and correct errors. It extends beyond surface-level issues, aiming to improve the overall clarity, coherence, and professionalism of the text. While it doesn’t entail creating new content, proofreading is essential to polish existing material, making it error-free and ensuring effective communication of the intended message.


  • Flexibility & varied work as a proofreader, you can work on a variety of projects across different industries.
  • Remote Opportunities.


  • The proofreading job market is competitive.
  • Freelancers need to invest time in self-marketing to attract clients.

Choose a writing niche based on what you love and believe in. Look for a balance between your interests and what people want to read. Think about long-term growth and how your chosen niche aligns with your goals. The key is to find a topic that brings together what you love, what people want, and offers room for your long-term success.

🥳 🎉Congratulations on taking the first steps towards turning your writing skills into a prosperous income source! Keep refining your skills, exploring new opportunities, and embracing the joy of transforming words into wealth. Best of luck on your writing journey, and may it lead you to a fulfilling and financially rewarding future!

Thank You



Vardhaman Bhandari

A expert digital marketer and full time working freelancer sharing proven strategies and experience which helps you to boost your income